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(1 month later)

every since that night me and Roc grown more toward each other.

(phone with tt)

me: I'm so glad camp is over

tt: me to

me: why do you and Ray can get it on more (copying tt) Ray ooh baby Ray!

tt: rose don't do that... cause (copying rose)  r-r-roc imma about to ....Rocky!

me: (angry) he told you

tt: no (laughs) you was louder than paranormal activity and it's was blasting loud....please tell you was screaming like that cause his zilla

me: no... he fingered me

tt: (laughs) you such a virgin

me: don't come for me

tt: any way get dress we doing to the movies

me: are

(end of phone convo)

I up and put one a tank top and a pink silk button down shirt. and some dark skinny jeans and some white tennis shoes. I put my cross earrings on and a little lip gloss and just let my hair lose. then I sprayed some perfume and headed out chloe was already at the door

me: who said you going

Chloe: my... (whispers) man

I rolled my eyes we headed over tt house. she had  on a black shirt with a red heart and some white skinny jeans and her  black and red jays on.

we drove to the mall meeting the boys and when we saw them I saw Morgan

me: Morgan! (hug)

Morgan: hey

me: what happen to you leaving

Morgan: well someone change me mind (looking at prod)

me: English

e/b: she goes with prod!

me: y'all don't gotta base (grimacing) any way when!

Morg: we started dating 4 weeks ago (holding prods) well it started when I told the doctor I don't have nowhere to go and Mr.hot volunteer to let me live with him and his parents ok with it.

me: aww we that is so...(gco)

??: awful

I turn around its was Lynette bitch ass.

Lyn: Rosie

me: Lynette (rolling eyes)

Lyn: tomorae(I hope I didn't spell it wrong)

tt: ugh (rolls eyes)

Lynette agape Prince and my sis

Lyn: ('laughs) wtf!  how creepy can you get  she's 14 Prince what are you gonna say when the judges ask

Chloe: that I love him and he shouldn't be taken away if I love him

Lyn: then they gonna say(low voice) did he tell you to say that

Chloe quiet

me: leave her out of this

then she looked at me then her eyes widen at Morg

Lyn: hi Morgan (smiling)

Morg: don't talk to me (her arm cross)

Lyn: (smiling) why?

Morg: you wasn't even there at his funeral

Lyn: he mad the drop not me

Morg: (in tears)  bitch you told him to him and my parents gone....next time I see you bitch I will cut your throat! (prod holding her)

Lyn: then you will be next (walks away)

me: what just happen?


MORG was sniffing crying into prod chess

prod: it's ok (patting her)

me: excuse me what happen

Morg: it was 2 years ago my brother he was in selling drugs but he was only 14......see Lynette was his girl and..  he won her like if the girl chose you not her pimp she can choose another... well one night she told him to make the drop but he drop it the wrong person and Lynette just sat there watch him and they took her

but.... I guess her child hood pimp found her


me: ok it's kinda making sense

Morg: when she was little her father was a pimp and mother was....well in other words a hoe but her father's men shot him and her mother and took and raise her. don't get it twisted I still hate Lynette cause her selfishness. but Lynette was nice before happen but after the rape and drugs the girl in that body is fully gone.

me:  (look at Roc) you didn't know

Roc: he she never let me take her home

Morg: cause was protecting you..that may be left her is protecting but the rest is gone....(smiles) but hey let's not worried let's go to the movies

I smiled and we walked but some how I couldn't not shake the Lynette thing off my mind


I feel bad for Lynette -__-

Me and you  ( A roc royal love story)Where stories live. Discover now