hanging out

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I woke up getting in the shower and then I put my clothes on. I hand on a red t-shirt as and a dark skinny pants and I had on my white Jordan's with my black jacket.  I got text from Rose

Rose: hey rock we gonna meet you there.

Me: ok see you there babe

Rose: -.- bye.

I laugh at that textured and called Prince

(phone convo)

Me: aye Prince you still coming

Prince: yea but prob can't he said he gotta take care some buisness

Roc: oh ard


I grab my keys and headed out.


I had on my red polo shirt and dark skinny jeans with some red and black and whites jays on put on my diamond earring and my lip gloss. I saw Chloe she had on white skinny jeans that had holes where tore and your knees show a pink polo shirt with her white tennis shoes and she had a gold chain on. with her small braids going to back in a pony tail. her height was to my shoulder so I was still taller than her.

Me: what would daddy say (shakes head)

Chloe:  relax Rosie I not showing any butt (putting in her pearl earrings)

we heard a car beat out side

Me: come on (walking out the door)

we  got in  the car and drove to the mall. it took us thirty minutes to get there. when we got in mall and tt was on the phone I could hear her answers and questions

tt: where are y'all...where?.... we are near...

Chloe: is that them (points to a boy with to braids)

tt: oh (hangs up the phone )

we walked to the big fountain that's in the center of the mall. all I saw was Prince and Ray ray. then someone grab me by my waist

Me: (screams)

Roc: stop that (frown)

Chloe: why your arms around my sis and who are you

ROC: I thought you said thirteen year old sis (whispers)

Me: she is (whisper)

Chloe: ooh Rose so that's your Boo didn't daddy...(stops looking at Prince with his snap back on)

Prince: hi (smiles lightly) I'm Jacob but people call me prince ( hand holding out)

Chloe: I'm Chloe ( shakes hand)

Prince: I'm 17 u?

Me: (sounds annoyed) she..(gco)

Chloe: fifth teen

Me: (gives Chloe the look) right

tt: any way (jumps on Ray ray back) who's hungry?

Chloe: me!

Prince: ok (putting his arm in a position so Chloe can lock arms with him)

Chloe: ( locks arm with him)

Roc: come on Rosie (holds hand)

Me: who told you?

Roc: I didn't till now

we walked and headed for chipotle when we got order from a burrito bowl and mild can't handle spicy.

when I got me food and roc sat near the window while tt Sat next to roc and Ray sat next to me.

Me: y'all both  so chirpy

Roc: why is that (tacking a bite of his food)

tt : (stuck her finger her mouth and bit it. )

Me: noooooo (surprise)

tt: yep (smiling)

Ray: it was amazing (flirtatious voice)

Roc: could some one tell me what happen?

I  motion him to come here

Roc: what! (confused)

Me: come here! (reach over table grab his shirt and whisper in his ear) they had sex dummy

Roc: ooooh

Me: (shakes head rolls eyes ) slow

after we ate we went to Dave a buster and we had fun I took pictures with chresanto and I was just having a blast


we got done every body was running out of the mall tt was gonna take  Ray home while me and Prince takes rose and Chloe then Rose stops

Me: (to the others) wait guys Rosie tired.

Rose: we been walking all day

me: come on ( I got on one knee so she can get on my back)

she gets on my back and puts her head in my neck. when we got to the cars Prince said he drive so me and  Rose got in the back.

she put her head on my shoulder. then she looks at me and smashed her lips on to me. I kissed back and licks her bottom lip to give me an opening and she did and this time her tongue was battling against mines but I won.  she squeezed my arm to let me know don't make her moan. so two minutes past and we parted for air


I was laying his shoulder I was still smiling from the kiss. Chloe was asleep in the front seat. then V.S.O.P by K Michelle came on the radio and I looked roc and he looked at me  we both smiled

the the  chorus came on and I sang

Me: we gon' like some candles tonight a very special

Roc: we gon' do whatever you like

Me: very special

I laughed into his chest and after I stop I fell asleep

Chloe: come on wake up we home and mom and dad back the boys can't walk us back

I got up and kiss chres bye he grab my arm

Roc: Imma call you (smiling)

I nodded and went the house today was so fun I wonder what t and Ray doing them little nasties


this might be the last chapter for today or not depends

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