Plan A

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Diggy(POV )

Ok I got out the shower and I got on my clothes putting all my hygiene stuff. I was ready to head but Lynette wasn't moving no where until she get answer out of me.

Lyn: we not leaving until you tell me

Me: don't get mad

Lyn: why would I... what could you possibly done wrong (gco)

Me: I almost rape rose

Lyn: you what ( she slap me across my face) you son of a bitch I thought we had a deal?

Me: I'm sorry it was my medic

Lyn: don't give me that Daniel there been times when you didn't take your medicine and this never happen

Me: babe listen I'm sorry it's was just (grabbing her arms)

Lyn: just what (sigh) you know we finish then on her own time now we on roc and the bitch time

Me: stop that (kissing her)

Lyn: what?

Me: you know you care for rose

Lyn: (laughs ). For now

We laugh and we head to rose house when I got there Lynn said meet her at the park so I said ok then we went are different paths I knock on the door.

??: Morgan get it

Morg: ok (open the door)

Morg was sexy she had her tips of her hair blue and she had beautiful eyes. with her Carmel self she looked mmmmm you know

Me: hey ma

Morg: (rolls eyes) bye dah ( closing the door

Luckily she forgot to lock it and I walked in

Me: um hi I'm here to see mr.j (lies)

Morg: hi oh mr.j? (grabs bat and runs up to me) I know didn't just walk in this house

I put my hands up as in defense

??: morg ( takes the bat away) what are you doing

Morg: he walked in the house with out my permission girl you betta lock clink clink (a/n: another saying get his ass before I shoot him) tt

Tt: ok (laugh) girl go up stairs

Tt look like Baddie like she play no games also in bad to like she know how to handle a di.....

Tt: um hi sorry she protective I'm tomorae but people call me tt

Oh! Damn tomorae got more grown last time I saw her

Me: how you doing

Tt: you are?

Rose: get away why are you here for me! (Screaming trying to attack him but morg and ray I know him but they was holding her)

Tt turn around with her hair swinging over her shoulder

Tt: what wrong with you rose

Ray looked at me with anger

Rose: that's diggy

Ray: babe getaway from he dangerous

Tt turn to me slowly and grin the bat tightly

Tt: see I pregnant and I don't need stress I gonna count to 5 if you not out we will kick your ass

Morg: fuck that hit his ass

I ran out the house because I was out number. I really hope Lynn had got more close than I did


I walked onto roc porch I rang the door bell. his uncle answer and let me in. I walked up into roc room he was trying to cut his wrist

Me: roc! Stop (snatching the pocket knife)

Roc: why?!

Me: because instead of cutting talk to Rosie

Roc; why she hates me and don't wanna see me

Me: looks just (gco)

Roc: noooooo I said no ( crying )

I laid roc back and the got on top of him then whisper in his ear

Me: then I'm gonna have to do that thing you don't want nobody unless it's that person you really love

Roc: what??? ( frowning )

Me: this (kissing his cheek)

I know don't come for me I'm not gonna have sex with just you'll see

( little rated r)

I kissed his cheek urging my arm to his private part

Roc: (moan) god

Me: just relax let me take care of you

I un buckle his pants pulled his pants and underwear down ooh he up there with the big dogs

I kissed his zilla and he moan I licked teasing him

Roc: if you gonna do it lyn just do it don't tease

He asked for I went down he moans turn into grunts and back into moan. I kept going up and down

Roc: yessss

I went real fast swirling my tongue I did this for like three minutes. I felt his body tense and his his moan get heavy. I did this little longer and pulled my head up real quick as he release I made sure he was done and pulled his pants back up and he was half sleep. I walk to the door and stop

Me: night roc

Damn today I didn't get close I really hope diggy better did but gonna head to park and pick him up and head home looks like its time for plan b


Wow what happen and looks like plan A failed I update later

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