chaos pt 1

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(sorry I um been busy but...I'm back)


I was  talking to my dad on the phone. chilling in my pink sweat pants and my white tank top on.

(phone convo)

dad: how's everything

me: good Chloe good to

dad: ok be safe and we will be back next week

me: ok love you daddy

dad: love you to


then I hug up. I started doing my homework and then Roc called

(phone convo)

me: hey boo

Roc: (laugh) hey baby (childish voice)

me: so wassup?

Roc: ok Imma just come out with it. I think it happening now..and I going to them (gco)

me: hell no... Roc dont you gonna get yourself killed

Roc: I...

me: don't you dare say know

then all of sudden all the lights in my

house turn off.

I gasp

Roc: what's the matter

Ignored the question put my slides on and grab my Jean jacket.

me: Chloe!... (into the phone) chres my whole lights turn off

Roc: stay on the phone with me I on my way

me: no call tt and them and tell them to meet us

Roc: tt pregnant and why you wanna bring are friends in it

me: chres my sis is in the middle of this just tell them that we going on a date or something!

Roc: ok I'm still on my way

me: ok hurry!


me: Chloe!

then  I hear rummaging down stairs. I tip toed down saw almost everything messed up.

??: ok look up stairs they booth might be up there....what John doesn't know I wanna kill every single person that mean roc tt Rosie and so on.

Wait I know that voice

man: Mike but...

Mike: listen to what I say

man: yes sir

Mike! what the he'll I thought he was in jail

Mike: oh Rosie! come out and come to papier! (he yelled)

I heard and little cabinet close under the sink. so I sneak to  it and open Chloe was about to scream but I cover her mouth.

me: (whisper) follow me ok

she just nodded.

we snook around and the Mike was sitting on couch waiting for the man to find Me and Chloe. he thought it was. but then just before we got from behind the counter


Dam forgot to turn down my phone.

I jump and with Chloe

Mike: hi Rosie hi Chloe (smiling like creep)

he put the gun up pointing at Chloe

me: no!

I pushed her in front of me so we both can dodge the bullets.

Chloe screamed and headed toward the door. I stayed and grab my bat and hid it behind my back and went straight to Mike who held the gun up to me.

me: wait! wanna know I learn rubbing his shoulder

Mike: what? (half smile)

me: this Bitch (hitting him with a bat)

he fell to the floor and ran cause the man was on his way down. I ran and as I bumped into someone I screamed.

Roc: Shhhhh

he drag me out the house. I saw tt and Ray

me: where prod and morg?

tt: they'll meet us

then I heard more cars pulling up

me: take Chloe and meet us at end of the path

Ray: wait...

me: just do it!


as they was coming  Chloe hugged rose

Chloe: please stay alive

rose: I will

me: I'll make sure  (half smile)

Chloe: Roc... you'll make a good brother you know?

I smiled

me: yea

then we heard people running to us

Ray: ayeee sorry to rain on the bonding but.. (pointing)

me: shit (grab rose hand) come on

rose: I call you

she said to tt.

then we ran into the forest path and it was dark we been running for twenty minutes.

rose stop breathing

Rose: can we take a break (whining)

me: (sigh) fine but only...(gco)

rose screamed

I turn around

me: Rosie....


I what happen? I'll update later  o:

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