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this past week it's been so good. no drama no nothing. I was with my girl and our friends. we was hanging ok  in rose house and her parents was at a get together at their jobs. we was in the living room in the dark watching Madea family reunion

tt: (giggle)

Ray: she is funny (laughs)

tt: it's really a man

me: look I think tt growing a bump (mumbles)

rose: stop (hitting him)

tt: what chu say fool

??: (Moan)

me and rose shook our heads to morg and prod

me: prod? (wincing)

prod: ahhh babe (laughs)

tt told us to Shhhhh so she can scare them she tip toe to them where they both was under the covers


prod and morg jump and prod was looking pissed

prod: man tt why...(gco)

morg kissed him

morg: I pay you back when we get home ok boo

prod: ok

while they was arguing rose looked and peck my lips

me: mmmm Papi likely (kissing close to her ear lobe)

she let moan and hit me

rose: not now ok

then they finally stop and at beep of phone of course niggas quick to see text messages. but it was my phone I check and it was from UNKNOWN

(text convo)

??: Roc I warning you danger Is coming you and rose way keep each other safe and if your friend are in the way they will  be killed

me: ok


I knew exactly it was Diggy but then my mood change and I looked at rose face and I felt hurt this innocent girl is going to be in danger.

rose: what's wrong (frowning )

me: nun

rose: yes it is!

at this point every one stare at us


I grab Roc hand  and pulled him up into my room.

me: what the hell is your problem

Roc: nothing babe

me: I know you lying

Roc: fine maybe I am but soo.....

no hell he just said no about lying Imma make him break....

me: fine....get on the bed

Roc: wait...

I pushed him on the bed

Roc: woah



She smashed her lips on mine and she wrap her arms around me and I wrapped my arms around  her waist

rose: tell me (saying in between kisses)

me: no

she then slip her tongue into my mouth but it was different we was being  real nasty with our tongues and I really liked it and it made me horny as fuck

rose: tell me (stops)

me: no

rose: ok

she kissed my neck and was nibbling on it and she was grinding on me

me: oh shi.... rose (moan)

I was officially horny and I know rose felt cause she went fast

rose: tell...me (moans)

I  started grind back and moan

me: we.....no

she got of me and got of her knees and was in between my legs. Shit she not doing what I think she doing

she pulled my pants down and underwear and sat there for a second and look how horny I was. then she griped it and I start moaning then I heard

rose: oh can't believe I'm doing this

then she licked it while using her hand to go up and down

me: (Moan) Rosie

she kept going and this was for like ten minutes until I felt my self about to release. I threw my head back and looked back at her.

me: Rosie....I'm almost there

rose: then tell me

she went faster with her hand DAMN

me: ok.....we in d-d-danger

I carried the r I felt myself releasing.

rose: wow..

I guessed she was surprised as how much I release after that. she ran into the bathroom a gave me some napkins. I wipe my self off and threw it away.


I  layed on her bed feeling tired. she hugged behind me.

rose: so we gonna die?

i turn to her

me: no I promised you I will protect you. (pecking her lips)

rose: ok (smiled then hit me) you made me do all this freaking shit to get you to tell me....just know not to expect this for a long while

I  smiled and with that I was already half sleep and she layed on my chest.


Iol  2 or three more chapters left ._.

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