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(I just want to say one thing well two one thank you snow two we have new character coming in soon)


Rose dad: so  son tell me about your self

me: um I love to sing

Rose dad: what kind of music rap..negative things

Rose: dad (she drag it)

Rose mom: Harold!

me: no I sing only sensible and positive things (smiling)

I looked Rosie and she bit her lip like she just..... oh I know what that mean yes a make out session. I just smiled at her. when we got there I help get their luggage out.

Rose dad: what's your name son

me: ro...(gco)

Rose: (clear throat)

I looked in a hateful stare

me: you owe me (mouth)

Rose: (rolled her eyes) fine (mouth back)

me: chresanto (smiling)

Rose dad: well chres call me Mr.Jackson nice to me (held out a hand)

me: nice to meet you Mr.j (shake his hand)

Mr.j: don't call me that it's Jackson and if you try any funny thing with my baby girl (grip got tighter on my hand) well just see

to late I already making out with her

then him and Mrs.j left. I turn around trying to act like my hand hurt.

Rose: your hand hurt? (laughing)

me: yes (smiling through the pain)

Rose: aww here and let mami fix it (little baby voice)

I looked her in surprise I never seen this side of rose

me: ok mami (running to the driver side)

Rose: well start the...(cut of by a kissed)

I kissed her lightning then I bit her lips and she open her mouth letting me slip my tongue in. and I I slowly explored. some we ended  in the backseat. (good things the back window tented ) I got top and roczilla was already woke. I grind on her and she let out moan and she grind back she urge me to flip over and got on top and she was moving I moan I never moan like this before. I swear she how she was moving those hips I was gonna bust in my pants (a/n:lmfao I sorry it's kinda funny) then she stop.

me:  why you stop (whined)

Rose: you said I owe but not exactly what? (smiling getting in the passenger side)

I got in the driver side. part is kinda relief I wanna have sex with her when the time is right.


I know I know rose we never saw you like this. well I have freaky thing under my sleeve to. Anyway I got home it was all quiet I wonder if Chloe fell asleep. I open the door and saw a big puff ball hair kissing my sister

me: what the fuck!

I grab that big bush and threw that person across the floor

me: Prince what the fuck!

Prince: what I do

I turn around to Chloe

me: you didn't tell him!

Chloe: no (smiling)

Prince: what? tell me what? (Dusting him self off)

Chloe: nothing (serious face)

me: oh it's something Prince you kiss a fourteen year old

Prince: o.O o:

Chloe: I'm sorry

Prince: when we're you going to tell me

Chloe: I was it was just...(gco)

Prince: just stop! (furious) how many lies have told me..(gco)

me: Prince calm down

Prince: no! (walking out)

I looked at Chloe.

Chloe: (crying) just mind your damn business for once (running stares)

I felt like crying then I felt arms around me. Roc took me upstairs and lay me down

Roc: I go talk to her

I just nodded I turn around a fell asleep. I woke to roc kissing me good night telling me he going home

then I fell back to sleep


-__________________________- nothing to say nothing

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