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I got ready for school putting on white peace shirt and some Jean shorts. I put  on my blue and pink jays and put my hair in a ponytail. and some make up. I grab my Jean vest jacket and walked down stairs. I grab my book bag

me: Chloe! come on (yelling)

she ran down stairs and brush past me.

I got out the door  and head to tt car Chloe an I got in.

me: hey

tt: hey (looking to Chloe) hey Chloe

Chloe: hey tt

we drove to Chloe school 

me: know remember Mrs...(gco)

Chloe: I know! (Yelling)

the she got out and shut the door walked into the school. I sigh and told tt to drive off.

tt: what's wrong with Chloe

me: Prince

tt: he found out?

me: well I told (sighing)

tt: ooh well (shrug)

me: any  Um my parents are gone for a week our two wanna come over on Friday

tt: what happen to "camp"

me: well camp we only got two more weeks of it and then we done till summer starts.

tt: so you saying skip

I nodded

tt: ok (smiling)

I are schedule was change a little cause a school meeting. so we had English but chres wasn't here but I didn't bother till after  English. I ran to tt locker

me: tt

tt: what?

me: have you seen chres

tt: no...I haven't..(gco)

Carlos: ayeee Rose! (Yelling down hall)

tt: I go ask  rayan

she patted my shoulder and walked away. why did she leave

Carlos: hey rose

I looked at his eyes  they were red. then he try to give me hug

me: move! (push him)

Carlos: just give me a hug (urging close to me)

me:  no! (pushing him away)

he slam against the locker

Carlos: you know wearing booty shorts turn me on (trying kissing my neck)

I back my head back

me: what!? (grimacing)

he slam me against the locker and the next bell rang so everyone is on class. I gasp and at the pain.

me: your high Carlos

Carlos: shut up (slamming against locker)

I let a breath of air out

me: your hurting  me (shade tear)

Carlos: good! (looking around and look at the janitors closet)


he drag me in there and shut the closet.

me: Carlos move!! before I screa... (gco)

Carlos: shut up.. you know want it (grinding on me)

I don't! I really don't! but had not fight or he gonna have his guard in so I let do a few seconds more the I kick him in the private area.

Me and you  ( A roc royal love story)Where stories live. Discover now