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Bill's P.O.V

I did a little switch in (Y/n)'s dream, me and her are dating, Pinetree's suffering and Shooting Star's....just being Shooting Star! This should be fun to watch! I saw the look on (Y/n)'s face, she looked disappointed for some reason...this worked on Mabel, this should work on her too. Well I know that she has higher IQ than Shooting Star and she is as smart as me and Pinetree but then again...she looks might've been because she is looking at an ignorant Pinetree and she looks like....she cares for him...I wonder if I should do the right thing....NO! No time to think about it now! The plan's working and soon me and (Y/n) will be the rulers of this place! No turning back now! This time...this time, I'll get what I want!

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I see Dipper suffering in pain...that's when I remember something very important...when I did a specified deal with Bill, Bill Cipher, the dream DEMON! He and I made a deal and now...he's the one making Dipper suffer in pain right now! How come I never realized it till how?! I got distracted by his little act...the act that me, Mabel and Dipper helped in doing...I'm so stupid! How could I think that he might change his attitude towards...towards everything?! Ugh! I need to get out! This is just my rules, not Bill's, I need to take control! I snapped my fingers and Dipper wasn't suffering anymore...everything turned dark...I saw a rip...Bill came out of it..."Well, well, well..." He started "I see that you have found out that you too, can control your world here. But do you know and are you capable of the things that you could do here? You are the president, the creator, THE GODDESS of this world, I might say. And all you did was save Pinetree?" He said with irritation until it hit me...he likes I tend to play with it until he frees me...and I'll most likely explain to him...

Meanwhile in Gravity Falls...

Dipper's P.O.V

I wish wherever (Y/n) is, she would get out of there quick before Bill gets to her...besides, she's smart, strong and skillful enough to not fall into Bill's tricks. "Dipper! Stop day dreaming and help me, Grunkle Stan and Ford defeat most of these monsters...well I'm just glad that these monsters became fewer after their last time but still! Get your head in the game bro bro!" Mabel tried to tell me..heh...yeah she's right...I still wish she's alright

----TimeSkip------Brought to you by:Pit Cola!----Don't forget the pit!------

"Guys we're almost done! We defeated most of the monsters-" Grunkle Ford was cut off "At one night? New record! Congratulations Pines family!" Yep you guessed was Bill. "I can't believe we trusted you, took you in, let you "sleep" with the kids!" Grunkle Stan said "I should thank you for that, warm hearting experience, no one in Gravity falls right? Haha!" Bill said with a hint of pity..."'s not the actual reason I'm here..." He just turned blue! And did he say that...with a hint of him surrendering?! "What is going on?! Why are you here?! To make us suffer more?! To make us feel more pain?!" I said sooo irritated of him. I mean come on! He is Bill Cipher!

"Maybe I will bring sorrow next time but for now...(Y/n) doesn't appreciate me right I'm letting her go..I want to learn more about your...humanity...and let everything flow for a while...then maybe..maybe I will know what it feels like to be loved...truly loved.." Bill said with I think tears falling from his he crying?! *takes out photo and takes a picture of crying Bill (photo above ^^^^^)*  "Dipper, did you just take a photo of me?!" Bill said a bit angry "What? I thought you wanted to know how love feels like, well in the Pines family, it starts with humiliating you." I smile so does Bill and everyone. And sooner, the monsters disappear and (Y/n), fall into my arms...because she was released by Bill, not other reasons...

(A/n): I am really sorry for not updating that much! It's just that I just started high school and we just started our 2nd Term and so much Homeworks! I am also very sorry if this was very short, confusing and not what you had in mind! Hopefully I could make it up to you all! Please comment below what you think, vote if you like this chapter and share, if you want to share this with your friends! And if you have the same mind as me and like my fandoms, follow me in wattpad! Thanks once again and byee! Luv y'all!

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