A little too much

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3rd Person P.O.V.

It was a wonderful morning. The birds were singing, there was no yelling, and everyone was fast asleep. It seemed so peaceful, but when the sunlight hit Bill's face...the peacefulness has been broken and everything was back to normal in the shack. No birds singing outside, Bill yelling at the sunlight, Dipper yelling at Bill for yelling,  Mabel yelling because everyone else is and (Y/n) was prepared this time. She wasn't awaken or disturbed by the noise. This time she had mufflers on to block out the noise and finally get a good sleep. This yelling thing happened so usual at the shack. In fact, it was almost like it was a daily routine. But (Y/n) was smart enough to be prepared for the 14th time this happened. It took her this long to prepare herself because she thought this would end at 10th, but when it passed 10, so she knew it would be a daily routine now.

"Kids! Breakfast is ready!" Grunkle Ford called the kids. First to go downstairs was Mabel, since Dipper and Bill stayed to wake (Y/n) up. "Hey, (Y/n), it's time for breakfast." Dipper called out. Bill came closer to (Y/n) and moved her. "Wait..that's why (Y/n) couldn't wake up to a noise this time. She was wearing mufflers!" Bill said in a fake hurt voice with both hands on his heart. "She's what?" Dipper couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Mufflers. She's wearing mufflers." Bill said in a monotone "Oh...well, if she can't here us then we have to shake her to wake her." Dipper said with a smirk. Dipper was the first to shake (Y/n), but he did it gently. But it was no use. But when Bill shook (Y/n), he shook her quite hard. "Ahhh!" (Y/n) screamed as she took off her mufflers. "Was there an earthquake???" She said worried. "No, but it's breakfast and Bill shook you hard to wake you up." Dipper explained. "Oh...okay. Thanks Bill." (Y/n) said with a smile and head downstairs. "Welp, I'm gonna go ahead and eat." Dipper said as he ran downstairs, and not far behind him was Bill.

Dipper's P.O.V.

'Do we yell a lot in the early morning that (Y/n) actually prepared for it? I mean...I know we shout, make noise, wake her up but...it isn't all the time right?' I thought to myself while eating breakfast. "What are you thinking about Dipper?" Mabel asked as he head tilted "Oh...uh...nothing really..." I trailed off and continued to eat breakfast...well...at least I tried to eat breakfast until Mabel said "Oh c'mon Dipper! Do you actually think I'll let this question down?" I hope so...but she didn't. Ugh. "Tell us. Breakfast is one of those times when families talk about problems and help them." (Y/n) told me with those soft eyes staring at me, how could I not? I mean...c'mon! I like her! A lot! How could I even?! I took a deep breath and sighed. "Okay, okay..." I started as the girls said 'yes' and Bill didn't even care..."I was thinking about how noisy we always are every morning, okay? I just realized that we shout at each other every morning, like we're an alarm clock until (Y/n) wore mufflers as she slept..." I said looking down. "Really...is that it? Is that the thing that you're troubling with?" Mabel said as she raised a brow at me looking like she was disappointed or something... "Yeah...sort of..." I replied still looking down. "I mean (Y/n), we're not that noisy are we...?" Bill who was surprisingly listening to the conversation, told (Y/n) and she just looked down...

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

As much as I wanted to say no and cheer them up...I started to recall their arguments from the very beginning till the day I stopped caring....
Day 1:
Bill: ARGGGGH!!! SOMEONE PLEASE CLOSE THE CURTAINS! I am trying to sleep like other humans and I can't do that with the sun in my eyes!!!
Dipper: You close it...you're closer...*slightly asleep*
Bill: I demanded someone to close it! Shooting Star! Close it for me! Since PINETREE doesn't want to!
Mabel: UGGGGGH!!! I don't wanna! Just sleep while facing the other direction!!!
Bill: But I'm more comfortable facing this direction!! But the Sun is ruining it!!
Dipper and Mabel: Your Problem!

Day 2:
Dipper: Bill! Get your fist out of my face! I'm trying to sleep!
Bill: Then sleep! My fist is on your face because I feel more comfortable when I stretch!!
Mabel: Shut up! You guys are ruining mine and (Y/n)'s beauty sleeps!
Bill: I'm sorry that you princesses are awaken by this stupid Pinetree!!
(Y/n): Um...guys--
(Y/n): Yeah, but it's 8:00am and it's breakfast...and grunkle Ford cooked...so...yeah...byee...

Day 3:
Dipper: Who set an alarm??
Mabel: What time is it?!!
Bill:  *checks time* 4:00am??!!
Dipper: What??!!!
Mabel: MAKE IT SHUT UP!!!!
Bill: YOU GUYS ARE ANNOYING!! *attacks Dipper with a pillow*
Dipper: H-Hey!! *attempts to throw a pillow at Bill but misses and hits Mabel instead*
Mabel: What was that for?!
Dipper: Bill started it!!
Mabel: O-Oh c'mon! It's frikking 4 in the morning! *throws two pillows and Bill*
Grunkle Ford: *bursts in the room* Sorry about that kids, experiment gone wrong and set the alarm off...sorry
Dipper, Mabel, Bill: *throws pillows at Ford*
Grunkle Ford: I guess I deserved that...*walks out the door*
(Y/n): *whispers to herself* Just go back to sleep, just go back to sleep...

Day 4:
Bill: Good morning, lovelies! I have tried making some pancakes, and I am awesome!
Dipper: Nope, I'm skipping breakfast since you cooked.
Mabel: Food is food.
(Y/n): First off, 'lovelies'? Really? Second, that actually smells good, and third, what time is it?
Bill: Hm...I don't really know for the first and third questions, but thank you.
Dipper: What is it...?
Dipper: What's with the time...?
Bill and (Y/n): *raises a brow*
Dipper and (Y/n): WHAT?!!
Bill: *freezes in shock* W-what...?
Mabel: You woke us up. In 6:00am in the morning. Just. To. Show. Off. Your. Cooking. Skills.
Dipper: Who does that?!
(Y/n): 4th day in a row!!
Bill, Dipper, Mabel: *looks at (Y/n) quizzically*
Bill: Anyways...I am quite fond of baking and cooking now...so yeah...and I had no idea about the time...I guess I should say sorry *leaves the room*

----End Of Flashback----

I lost hope of sleeping peacefully ever since day 4, but what gave me hope again was day 7. Since it was the morning that I woke up late, with no noises, arguments whatsoever. I felt peaceful, but I guess it was once in a life time thing...*sigh*...going back to the conversation.......

As I looked down Dipper finally spoke "Were we...that annoying...?" And all I could do was look down again...didn't want to say anything that would hurt their feelings I guess..."Oh...well....we're sorry (Y/n)." Bill said and Mabel followed by saying "We'll try to lessen the noise more.."...silence...until Mabel nudged the boys and all they did was nod their heads rapidly that made me giggle slightly and like always, the boys blushed whenever I giggled. They said that it was 'cute' whenever I did...but I keep reminding them that I'm pure evil, the queen of hell, and everyone should bow down to me and all that.

And after telling them about this, I finally slept peacefully with no disturbance, which made me feel uncomfortable at times, since sometimes it would be too quiet for my liking. And whenever they were too quiet, it was either a prank or they gave me some space, so it was sometimes hard to tell which silence it was...sometimes they could be a little too much...

(A/n): Sorry for not updating for so looooong. It's just school is about to start, and I've been having writer's block, and I've been doing a lot of things, and the thing is I'm still trying to reconnect with the fandom again..so it might take me longer to update chapters...so yeah...I'm sorry...and I have been dragged to hell by the Supernatural fandom (P.S. watch iiit) so yeah...sorry...and don't worry I'm not ending this book, because if I am, I would've done it with an ending chapter not by an author's note....please forgive me about this chapter since I'm pretty sure this was terrible...I'm sorry again...Stay whelmed, stay crash, luv y'all and byee!

(P.P.S. The photo and video has no relation whatsoever but it's Supernatural..so..yeah byee XD)

(P.P.P.S. #DeStiel4Life)

Okay, byee now XD

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2017 ⏰

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