Magician of music [EN]

32 11 14

Waves flowing in my listening body
Quietly humming unknown tunes
A secret, close to knowing, but still untouchable
Just trying to recreate the glorious sounds,
but never actually knowing the meaning nor feeling
behind the sentences, words or even letters
written with a pencil of passion.

But will the magic go away,
when I know the trick?
Will I still listen in awe
or will I withdraw in disappointment?
Because the trick wasn't that good after all.

There is a difference between singing sounds and words
I'm just a baby once again
Mumbling words, made by vibrations in the meaningless air
Exploring a language,
starts with sound.
Time will learn, the meaning
of air.

The unknown might be scary,
but can still be


I love this song so much ^^

Poëzie: Blooming for Eternity [EN/NL]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu