Chapter 1.

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Ok so like it says this is my first time writing a Narry fanfic so please be gentle with me :) I hope you enjoy it and please leave some feed back. Im posting this 1st chapter now so people can get an idea of what to expect but i wont be dedicated to writing this until i finish my current story :) Happy Reading.


"Ok boys you've just recently finished your tour Take Me Home. How are you all feeling right now?"The blonde Barbie doll interviewer asked us all.

To be honest I'm glad to have a break. All the touring is amazing and the fans are incredible but it's nice to have some down time to relax and sit out of the public eye for a bit. This is our last interview before were allowed to get away for a couple weeks to relax and pretty much do what we want.

"Amazing!" Liam announced with a huge smile on his face.

"Incredible" I answered after Liam

"Over the moon" Niall added in that sweet Irish accent of his.

I don't know what it is about his accent but for some reason lately I can't seem to get enough of it. Every time I hear his voice my mind focuses on nothing but him. The way his lips move when he speaks the sparkle in his gorgeous sky blue eyes and the roll of his tongue when he pronounces certain words or letters.

"And do you have any plans for the short break away from fame you guys will be taking?" The interviewers asked yet another question.

"I think I'm going home to see my family" Louis answered this time.

"I'm going to support my girlfriend on her tour for a while" Zayn added.

"Yes that's right, you're dating Perrie Edwards from Little Mix" the interviewer smiled

"I am" Zayn replied proudly.

We all sat patiently answering many of the Barbie look-a-like's questions until the one that always comes up was brought up once again. I swear I thought people would be over this question by now. I mean they know we don't hide anything from them so I don't know why they always have to ask.

"And who's single and who's taken?" she asks.

Liam, Louis and Zayn all raise their hands as Louis shouts taken and the crowd Woo's and awe's. Everyone knows of Zayn and Perrie's relationship. Louis has been dating Eleanor for a few years now and Liam's recently entered a new relationship.

"And what about you two?" she points to me and then Niall.

"I'm single" I reply with a smile

"Yeah, single" Niall answers with a similar smile before looking over at me and gives me a wider grin.

For some strange reason this grin of his has many different effects on my body. My heart skipped and my breath caught in my throat. It's weird that a boy can have this effect on me, right? Not to mention it is Niall making me feel this way. I mean he's only smiling Harry, get yourself together.

The interview came to an end and the boys and I were escorted out of the studio into an awaiting car. Zayn jumped in first followed by Liam and Louis. Niall was next but as he stepped into the car he glanced back and gave me one of his gorgeous smiles. He slid in the car and took his seat but me being me too involved in the blue of Niall's eyes as he stared at me climbing into the car hit my head and hard.

"Owe" I cried out as I lifted my hand to the now forming bump on my forehead.

Of course the other boys burst into hysterics as I slid the rest of the way in and took a seat next to Niall in the back. My head is now throbbing and I can feel the swelling underneath my hand, nice one Haz now he's going to think you're an idiot. I mentally scolded myself.

"You ok?" the sweet Irish man next to me asked.

I pouted my bottom lip and shook my head no. My head really is hurting and I can feel a headache coming on. It's just typical really that I would embarrass myself in front of Niall of all people. Anyone else I don't care, but for some reason hurting myself in front of Niall is just plain awkward.

"Let me take a look"

Niall moved my hand away from the forming bump on my forehead and breathed in sharply as he leant closer to take a better look. He reached up and touched around the skin on my forehead.

"Does this hurt?" he asked and pressed a part of my head.

"Owe Yes" I winced and pulled away.

"Yeah there's already a bruise and I can see it's starting to form a bump. You're going to need something cold to put on it" he explained and I groaned out loud.

The rest of the journey back to hotel was kind of quiet and my headache is growing more and more painful. Reaching the hotel parking lot had me groaning in more pain. All I can hear is screaming fans and banging on the car window. It's really not helping my headache. I love our fans an all but sometimes things can get a little too much.

"I'm really not ready for this right now, and I don't even have my beanie to cover this stupid bump" I moaned hitting myself on the head. "Owe"

"Awe Haz, use mine" Louis laughed and handed me his beanie

I placed the beanie on my head as our security walked around to help us out the car and threw the crowds of screaming girls. As soon as the door opened I jumped out with Niall behind me and the rest of the boys in suit. There are hundreds of girls screaming things from 'I love you Niall' to 'Marry me Harry' it's flattering of course but sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming when you've hit your head and have a shocking headache.

Finally after about 5 minutes of pushing our way through fans and getting into the hotel we made it up to our room. As we are only staying here over night all us boys are in a double room which mean four of us share two rooms and the other can slip in with two of us or sleep in the couch. Immediately I walked into one of the rooms and threw myself down on the double bed. I brought my hand up to cover my eyes to try and keep the light out. My head is pounding and I can feel the lump on my head now, it's like the size of a golf ball. A couple minutes later I heard the bedroom door open and a thick Irish accent filled the room.

"Here you go Haz I got you this"

I opened my eyes and leant up on my elbows to see Niall standing in front of me with a glass of water, some painkillers and a damp cloth. Bless him for being so thoughtful, he's always so kind.

"Thanks mate"

"It's the least I could do" he smirked as I frowned in confusion.

"What d'you mean?"

"Well it was me you was looking at when you bumped your head" he chuckled and I could feel my cheeks heat furiously.

I threw my head backwards again and covered my face with my arm. Not only does Niall know it is his fault I hit my heat but now I'm blushing about it in front of him. I took in a deep breath and exhaled loudly. Now the heat in my cheeks had died down I sat back up and took the water and painkillers. I popped two out the packet and popped them in my mouth, but once again it was the wrong thing to do.

I started choking on the pills having thrown them to far back in my mouth; I began coughing and had to sit up straight to clear my throat. Niall came over quickly slapping me on the back. Great just fudging brilliant!

"You alright?" Niall asked once id calmed down and cleared my throat.

"Yeah I am now, thanks" I gave him a soft smiled and gulped down the water and soggy pills.

Once id taken the pills I placed my empty glass on the bedside table and grabbed the damp cloth from Niall. I placed it on my head where my bump is and laid back down. Maybe if I try and get some sleep this stupid headache will go away.

"I'll leave you to get some rest Haz, I'll be in the living area, if you need anything just give me a shout" he smiled and exited the room.

"Thanks Ni" I replied as he shut the door behind him and I closed my eyes attempting to get some rest.

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