Chapter 61

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[Niall POV]

After Louis collapsed at the crime scene an Ambulance rushed him off to the hospital. I was worried of course but I myself didn't feel too good. While Zayn rode with Louis; Liam, Harry and I all got into the second ambulance and got a ride to the hospital. Of course Harry would not let go of me being worried that someone was going to get to me again and if I'm honest it felt good to be back in his arms having him protecting me.

"Harry I..."

"No don't say it Niall, I know what you want to say and it's ok. I forgive you, let's just forget about everything that happened and get you checked over." Harry said and I nodded, he must really love me to forgive me that easily.

When the ambulance pulled up at the hospital I was put in a wheelchair and Harry's wheeled me through to a private hospital room so we could wait for me to be checked over. Liam had gone to another room and of course Zayn was with Louis. I can't believe that wanker that kept us captive shot him. It's a good job that Lou killed him otherwise I would have gone after him, when I'm better of course.

I climbed slowly out of the wheelchair and sat myself down on the hospital bed, now normally I would complain about how uncomfortable it was but seeing as I have slept on nothing but floor the past god knows how long this bed felt like heaven. I lay my head back and snuggled my face into the sheet while looking at Harry sitting in the chair next to me. He has a few cuts on his face from fighting but other than that he just looks happy to see me.

"Thank you." I simply said expressing my feelings.

"For what?"

"For saving me. I know it wasn't just me Harry but it means so much that you didn't give up on me after what I did to you. I was just scared that if the fans were hating on us that you would leave me and I'd be left heartbroken; so I thought if I left you first I wouldn't get hurt. It was really selfish of me and I know you've already said I'm forgiven but I just wanted to apologise. I love you Harry and I never wanted to hurt you!"

Before Harry had a chance to reply a doctor walked in carrying a clipboard with an old nurse by his side. He smiled curtly at Harry and I before making his way over to the bed by my side.

"Mr. Niall Horan?" He asked unsure of who was his patient.

"Yes that's me." I informed him.

"Ok Mr. Horan myself and the nurse are going to conduct a few tests, ask a couple questions and just generally check you over and make sure it's safe for you to go home. Would you like to be alone or do you want your friend to stay?"

"He's my boyfriend," I corrected. "I'd like him to stay!"

After some rather personal and intimate questions the doctor and nurse did some tests, they attached some sticky pads to my chest to check my heart and took and blood and urine samples. Overall they said I was just dehydrated and needed to drink plenty and sleep; as well as clean up any cuts I had and then I was able to go home.

We didn't go home straight away though. As we left the hospital room both Harry and I were confronted by police who asked if they could have a minute of our time to figure out what happened. They kindly said they would wait while we checked in on Louis which was nice of them as I know some officers can be rather shitty.

"How is he?" Harry asked as we walked into Louis' room hand in hand to find Zayn clutching onto Louis' hand; who was still unconscious.

"No better," Liam explained. "Doctors have said it may be a while before he wakes up, he's lost a lot of blood but he is ok. The bullet missed anything vital but the blood loss is what caused him to loose consciousness."

In a way I kind of felt like this was my entire fault. If I hadn't had dumped Harry and run off home then the guys that kidnapped me would have never got me, but then again they probably would have still managed to get all of us one way or another.

"I'm sorry, this is my entire fault!" I said with a tear escaping my eye

"It's not your fault Ni," Zayn spoke up for the first time since Louis collapsed. "He saved us, Louis risked his life to save us and he's going to be ok. Those guys deserve everything they got and the police will understand that. Don't worry yourself, he'll be ok. He'll wake up and everything will be fine."

I nodded my head not knowing what else to say. After standing for a while in silence I decided it was best to go talk to the police and get it over and done with. Harry and I said goodbye to the other 3 members of the band and made our way back out of Louis' room then were ushered into another room by police officers.

"Ok Mr. Horan now we don't want to bring up any bad memories but could you tell us everything you remember about what happened please." An officer asked

"Right well I don't know much. I had had an argument with Harry and gone home alone, when I went out to clear my head I was grabbed and brought to a dirty empty room. I only saw the guys a couple times when they'd come in and say shitty things and then next thing I know they had Zayn and then Liam. I guess Harry and Louis just couldn't sit around anymore and came looking for us. We heard a commotion then Louis was at the door and bleeding. When we got outside the room you guys were already there." I told them everything I knew, I just hope it helps.

"Thank you Mr. Horan, you are free to go. We'll be in touch."

After the police told us we were free to go Harry and I decided we wouldn't go home just yet and we headed upstairs to the hospital cafeteria. I just hope Louis wakes up soon and then we can all go home to our own beds. 

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