Chapter 16.

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Just a small filler until i get back into the swing of writing. Please enjoy :) Leave a comment below of you favourite TV series at the moment, i want to find out what you all enjoy watching!

I woke up with something hard and warm pressed up against my back and a long object wrapped around my waist. Opening my eyes slowly I soon realised it was an arm around me which meant the hard warm object was a body lying behind me. Then I remembered what happened last night. Niall kissed me! He kissed me, not the other way around. Niall made a move on me; he kissed me on the lips and said he liked it. I could have sworn it was a dream but after waking up like this I knew it was true.

I shuffled carefully out of bed and made my way to the bathroom shutting the door quietly behind me. I honestly can't believe what happened. It's like all my dreams have come true, only now I don't know how to act around him. Yes we kissed and he said he liked it, we then fell asleep cuddling but now I don't know what to do. Is he my boyfriend? Are we seeing each other now? I think I'll just go with the flow and see what happens; after all waiting got Niall to kiss me so if I continue to wait maybe he'll be the one to make the next move too.

I did my toilet business and brushed my teeth before quietly exiting the bathroom. I looked over to the bed to see Niall still curled up asleep with his arm out stretched out on my side. His fingers were wriggling around like they were trying to reach for something. I awed silently as I watched him from a distance, I want so much to go back over and climb into bed with him but I'm scared I'll wake him.

My desire to snuggle with him beat the logic of my brain, I soon found myself walking over to the bed and slipping back under the covers. I felt his warmth as his arm found my waist and pulled me closer to him. Niall snuggled his head into my chest as I wrapped my arm over his shoulder keeping him close.

"Morning" his low toned morning voice sounded.

"Oh morning, I didn't wake you did I?" I asked feeling bad.

"No it just felt cold" he mumbled

The weird thing about this whole situation is that we both stayed in the same spots. Niall kept his arm wrapped around my waist and his head on my chest as I kept my arm around his shoulders. This is all too weird. Never in a million years did I think this would be happening. The sound of Niall's stomach rumbling then mine shortly after caused me to groan and roll out of bed.

"Where are you going?" Niall pouted sitting up slightly.

"To make breakfast" I replied confused.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"


"My kiss!" he said with a smirk and I felt my mouth open in shock a little. He wants to kiss me again!

Feeling nervous all over again I moved back toward the bed and leant down to get my face level with Niall's. I can't believe he wants to kiss me again. My nerves getting the better of me I quickly moved my face forward and tried to place a kiss to his lips. Only my hand slipped and I head butted him right on the nose.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry" I apologized and Niall laughed.

"Don't worry babe"

Niall cupped my cheek and placed a small sweet kiss to my lips before happily jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom. I took this as my cue to exit the bedroom and make my way downstairs. I fetched all the ingredients from the fridge to make full English and set them all out the side.

Just as I was dishing up Niall appeared in the kitchen doorway wearing some of my clothes. He pulled on the trouser leg of the sweats so he didn't trip as he walked into the kitchen and took a seat at the kitchen table. I carried both plates over and placed them on the table before fetching a couple glasses and filling them with orange juice.

I took my seat at the table and handed Niall his juice and set mine down in front of me. We both dug in to the big breakfast I prepared for us both. The food earned some moans of delight from Niall's lips and I couldn't help but hope one day it wouldn't be my food making him moan like that but something else.

We finished our breakfast and set our plates aside before heading into the living room to sit in front of the TV. I took my seat first sitting on the edge of my sofa and leaning my arm on the arm of the chair. Unexpectedly Niall followed me in and took a seat right on my lap. I have no idea what's going on right now!


"Yes Harold?" he replied turning to me with a cheeky smirk

"What is this? I mean what the hell is going on between us!" I asked a little worried about his answer.

Niall's smile didn't fade at all. He just continued to sit there perched on my lap smirking like an idiot. His smile made me smile and I guess in that moment I knew not to be worried about his answer.

"Well I like you if that's what you mean!" he answered simply. "Do you like me?"

"Well yeah obviously. I wouldn't have kissed you back otherwise!"

Well that was it. It was settled I like Niall and Niall likes me. Question is now. Where do we go from here?

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