Chapter 10.

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Home sweet home. I'd left Niall at the airport and got a taxi home to my house in London. I was so thankful to be in my own place on my own and away from Niall. I never thought I'd be thinking it was nice to be away from Niall as id had a thing for him for so long but the drunken night was still very much planted in my head.

I unlocked the door and dropped my suitcase to the floor making my way upstairs. When I entered my room I stripped out my clothes and jumped into bed. The familiar sheets around my body felt so nice. From the moment my head hit the pillow I was already falling asleep. I gave in and let the darkness take over and my mind rest. Tomorrow will be a new day.


I woke up to the annoying sound of my phone ringing next to me on the bedside cabinet. I let out a dry moan as I lifted the handset and placed it to my ear answering it in the process.

"Hello" I grumbled into the phone.

"Harry!" Louis voice screamed and I pulled the phone away wincing at the loudness.

"Lou shh. I've just woke up. Why are you calling this early?" I whispered into the phone.

"Niall told me you guys came back last night so I was phoning to tell you I'll be over soon" he continued to shout down the phone.

"Ite, see you soon" I replied and hung up the phone.

I placed the phone back down on the bedside table and buried my head into the pillows. I was nowhere near ready to get up yet; id missed the comfort of my bed. I nuzzled my head back into my pillow and pulled the duvet back up under my chin. Louis has a key so he can let himself in. I closed my eyes not to fall asleep but just to continue relaxing until Louis and his loud self hyped me up. For some reason whenever I was around that boy we'd always get up to mischief, but maybe that's what I need right now. Something to take my mind of Niall.

Soon enough the sound of my front door opening and closing brings me back to life and I roll over in bed waiting for Louis to barge into my room. Louis then bounces into the bedroom and jumped straight into bed with me.

"What are we still doing in here?" Louis asks from the other side of the bed.

"I'm tired but I guess that doesn't matter now your here" I smiled.

"Nope, now get up" Louis smirked and pushed me to the floor.

I moaned but got up wrapping the duvet around my body. I knew the house would be cold as I hadn't reset the heating last night when I got in. I kept the duvet around myself to keep warm as I made my way downstairs and into the living room with Louis following behind me.

"So why are you here so early may I ask?"

"I told you. Niall phoned last night and said you wanted to come home early so you got a flight that night. I am here to find out why your back early when I know you wanted to spend some alone time with Niall" Louis smirked and I hid my face.

"Lou shut up!"

"Harry I'm serious. You were really looking forward to spending alone time with Niall and I can take one guess why. But then why the sudden home coming, something must have happened"

"I really don't want to go into right now Lou" I sulked knowing Louis wasn't going to leave it be.


"Ergh fine! Everything was going fine we were having a wicked time in the sun and enjoying each other's company. Of course I was my usual clumsy self around him but I sort of bypassed that and we were getting on so well. Then the night before we came home we went out drinking and got very drunk. We went back to the hotel room after deciding we'd both had too much and when we were there we kind of almost kissed"

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