Chapter 17.

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Oh another chapter of Awkward just for you guys! I think I'm awesome. So anyway I want to get to know you beautiful readers a bit better. Tell me something about yourself in the comments below...

I just also want to thank you all again for being such dedicated readers. I appreciate every vote, comment and love everyone who follows me. On that note I'm going to leave you guys to read and enjoy the story. Please feel free to fan me, I'm a nice person :) also please continue to vote and comment. I read all comments and pretty much reply to all :) Love Y'all xoxo

It's been a couple weeks since Niall and I told each other we liked each other; since then nothing more has happened. We've been so busy with work, being on tour and doing interviews that by the time we'd get home everyone would just eat or crash out. I mean there's been a couple times on stage where Niall and I have shared a moment. I'd sometimes catch him glancing at me and I'd have to hide my blush from the thousands of screaming fans in the audience.

Finishing off our last song on stage for the night I grabbed a bottle of water and draped a towel around my neck using it to wipe the sweat away from my head. I quickly caught up with Louis and wrapped an arm over his shoulder.

"Alright Haz, show was amazing. Did you hear how loud the crowd was tonight?" Louis jumped excitedly in my arm.

"How could I not hear them, our fans are truly the best!" I replied with the biggest smile on my face.

Louis and I continued to chat as we made our way to the tour bus. We have the day off tomorrow but it's going to be spent on the road travelling to our next destination. I climbed aboard and stripped out my shirt heading straight for the bus shower. All the jumping around on stage and hyping the fans up really is sweaty work.

I turned on the shower and stepped inside letting the warm water wash away all the sweat and dirt from today and tonight's performance. I'm kind of thankful we get to spend a whole day travelling because that way I can get some well needed sleep in and spend some time just chilling out. I washed my body with my coconut body wash and shampooed my hair with Niall's strawberry shampoo he won't mind, I hope. Once I was finished I stepped out wrapping a towel around my waist and headed for the bunks near the back where I always kept some clean clothes.

After pulling on a fresh pair of boxers I decided to wear some sweats as they're comfier to laze around it than jeans. I then fetched my phone from the side and took a seat in the front of the bus where Liam and Niall were sitting.

"Where are the others?" I asked curiously.

"They're on the other bus, said something about playing video games or something. Typical Zayn and Louis really." Liam laughed and stepped passed me heading for the shower.

I looked down to my phone and had a scroll through the mentions and tweets on my twitter. Our fans really are amazing for all the things they do for us. I felt a hand on my shoulder and instantly shivered under the warm familiar touch. It's been so long since he's touched me.

"What 'ya looking at?" The Irish voice spoke excitedly in my ear from behind me.

"Just scrolling through my Twitter!" I told him

"Anything interesting?"

"Just the usual. How comes your on this bus, why are you not off playing video games with Zayn and Louis?" I asked curiously

"What am I not allowed on the chill out bus?" Niall placed his hand over his heart looking fake hurt. "Besides I wanted to spend some time with you."

"You did?" I questioned his answer.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" he replied and I shrugged.

Niall then took it upon himself to move my hands away and take a seat in my lap; I was shocked by his action but didn't bother to move him away. I hadn't felt this close to him in weeks and I don't want to miss out on any feeling. I set my phone on the side of the chair and wrapped my arms tightly around his small waist.

"I've missed this! I miss touching you." I said out loud.

"Me too." he replied cupping my cheek.

Our faces automatically moved closer to the others. I could feel his warm minty breath on my lips as he chewed his gum moving as they closed in on mine. Just as I felt the familiar feeling of Niall's plump lips on mine a voice broke us free.

"Hey guys what are the sleeping arrangements for this bus? There are only two bunks and I don't want to be disturbed by Louis and Zayn's mischiefs." Liam spoke as he entered the room wearing nothing but a towel.

I must admit Liam is looking rather buff nowadays, he's been working out in the gym a lot lately with Louis and they're both competing over who has the best arms! Liam's nothing on Niall though. I love the way his blue eyes sparkle when he laughs, the way his brown roots come through the dyed blonde. Not to mention his carefree personality and random outbursts of laughter.

"I don't mind sharing with Harry. Besides I need a good night's sleep after tonight performance, I'm knackered!" Niall spoke up answering Liam's question.

The good thing about us boys is we're so close that no one ever questions any of us sharing beds or cuddling with each other. Yeah there's the ships that people go around talking about and the bromances but no one actually knows the truth apart from us. Even when the whole Larry thing got out of hand people blamed management!

"You sure?" Liam questioned. "Haz do you mind?"

"Not at all. I'll sleep with the leprechaun." I answered then turned to Niall with a sly smile.

Liam then waved goodnight, headed off to get changed and go to bed. I understand completely how he's feeling as I want to go get in bed myself, the upside; now I get to share my bunk with Niall.  I sat around for a while longer when Niall went off to shower but after about 10 minutes I decided to go to bed.

As I approached the bunks I could hear Liam snoring loudly on the top. I grabbed my pillow and the larger quilt the climbed into the bottom bunk. They're rather spacious so it'll fit Niall and me in nicely. A few moments later I heard fumbling around and poked my head out the curtain.

"What are you doing?" I questioned Niall as he threw clothes everywhere.

"I can't find any sweats!" he answered as he continued to throw clothes.

"Don't worry about that, as long as you're wearing boxers I don't mind. Besides if you keep throwing things around you're going to wake Liam." I told him and he smiled.

Niall dropped the clothes he was holding and pulled the curtain back climbing into the bunk next to me. I scooted to the far side against the wall giving him some room but he just pushed his body closer. I lay on my side just looking at him as he got comfortable and placed one hand under the pillow and brought the quilt up to his chest with the other.

"Comfy?" I asked.

"Could be comfier." he replied cheekily lifting his arm so I could cuddle into his chest.

I was hesitant at first as I'm not completely sure what's going on between us but I moved closer and wrapped my arm around his waist. I rest my head on his shoulder and nuzzled my face into his neck inhaling his fresh showered scent. I felt my cheeks blush as Niall planted a sweet soft kiss to my temple after brushing away my stray curls.



"What are we doing?" I asked curiously.

"What do you mean?" he asked in reply.

"I mean like this, us! What is this between us? I mean we've kissed, cuddled. We told each other we like each other yet nothing more has happened and we kind of didn't get a chance to talk about anything as we've been busy."

Niall just lay there looking at me at first not saying a word. He looked as though he was thinking so I just left him to it but the he spoke up.

"The how about this. We keep it casual, for now at least. We'll steal kisses and snuggle when we can. If everything goes well then in a couple of weeks we'll make it official and tell the boys." he suggested and I sat their gobsmacked.

Niall wants to basically start seeing me on the down low, and then if things go well he's happy to come out to the boys. It was only a month back I was telling Louis about how much I cared for him and how I'd never be able to tell him; yet here I am snuggled in bed with him suggesting we kind of be together.

"Harry? What do you say?" Niall interupted my train of thought

"Yes. I say yes!"

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