Chapter 8.

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Hey guys will be doing random updates through the rest of December but i hope to have a schedual worked out for January for you guys. Please comment and let me know what you think :) 

Niall POV

Today I woke up before Harry, I was quiet surprised that when I woke I was wrapped tightly in his arms with my face pressed against his chest. He looks so happy and comfortable with me laid in his arms, I gently tried to pull away but as I moved out of his grip Harry's expression turned from happy to sad almost immediately. I moved back into his grip and his lips creased back up into a smile. Did I do that?

Testing my theory I tried to move away again, this time I got further but then Harry unconsciously reached out for me and groaned aloud. I moved my body back into him once again, this time Harry took a hold of my waist and pulled me in tight. My face pressed up against his chest hard and my back was arched where he pulled me in so tight. I chuckled quietly to myself but then realised Harry's grip wasn't getting any looser and I had to wake him up.

"Haz. Harry wake up I can't breathe" I gasped and tried to push him away. "Harry wake up"

Harry opened his eyes slowly, his eye lashes fluttered as his sparkly green eyes came into view, I watched as he pupils grew smaller adjusting to the light in the bedroom. He gave me a small smile then loosened his grip so I could pull away.

"Sorry" he mumbled.

"Its fine Haz, I wouldn't have minded if I could breath" I laughed.

"I didn't realise I was squeezing you that hard" he smiled wider revealing his cute little dimples.

Louis always poked his dimples and I never saw the fascination until now, they are so cute. Before Harry I'd never seen anyone with dimples and seeing them up close I just wanted to do what Louis does. I reached up my hand placed my finger into the small hole in Harry's cheek.

"What are you doing?" Harry chuckled.

"I don't know, I've never really paid attention to your dimples before, they're cute" I admitted

"Well thank you" Harry smiled wider making his dimples sink in even more.

I moved out of bed completely and rushed to the bathroom only now realising I really need to pee. I closed the door behind me and did my business, once I was finished I washed my hands and brushed my teeth the re-entered the living/bedroom. Harry was still laid out under the covers and all I could see was his mop of curls hanging over the top of the duvet.

"You getting up today?" I asked

"Not yet, still tired" he answered simply and brought his hand out the duvet and waved me over.

I walked back over to the bed and climbed back in snuggling back into Harry's warm chest; he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close but made sure he didn't squeeze to hard. I nuzzled my head into his neck and got comfortable. I closed my eyes and thought to myself for second. Is this weird? Should guys cuddle like this?

Were close friends I get that and I love spending time with Harry. I just know for a fact that the fandom would have a field day if they ever saw pictures of us like this. I know the ships Larry and Niam are quiet popular but I've not ever heard much about Narry, I don't know why either. Do they not think Harry and I would make a cute couple? Hang on I don't even know why I'm thinking about this!

I laughed to myself as I snuggled myself even more into Harry's body and pulled the duvet up to my chin. I could feel I was still a little tired but I don't plan on going back to sleep as it would be a waste of the day.

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