Chapter 5.

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Hey guys so sorry i havent been updating very often im really ill at the moment and my heads all over the place im trying to write but sometimes my headache is too much and i cant be on the computer long, i will try and update as often as possible for you guys because you are amazing. Anychance we can get the comments up on this i love to read what you have to say, peace out speak soon xoxo

Niall was still peacefully sleeping when I woke up so I carefully slipped out of bed and made my way into the bathroom. I filled the bowl with water and splashed my face to wake me up a bit more. It was so nice to wake up in bed next to Niall, even if he wasn't interested in me like I was him, at least I get to share a bed with him.

Once I was washed up and showered I exited the bathroom to find Niall sitting up in bed watching TV with the duvet just covering his private area. I averted my eyes looking at the floor careful not to try eye up any of his business.

"Morning Haz" Niall chirped.

"Morning Ni, you sleep ok?" I asked

Niall sat himself up some more in bed and looked over at me as I slipped some boxers on underneath my towel then dropped the towel to the floor. For some reason this morning I was feeling rather confident in myself. Niall watched as found a pair of shorts in my suit case and slipped them on over my boxers; I gave him a cheeky wink and took a seat on the bed.

"What's the plan for today then?" I asked

"I was thinking maybe we could get some food then just go with the flow"

"Sounds like a good idea" I replied

Niall jumped out of bed and wiggled his sexy bum as he made his way into the bathroom. I honestly don't have a clue what today is going to bring but I'm excited to see what happens. After a quick shower Niall stepped back out the bathroom in a fresh pair of boxers making his way to his suitcase to get some shorts.

"You're going to need a shirt for breakfast" he informed me and I huffed.

"It's too hot to wear a shirt" I moaned

"At least put one on and then we'll have food and go out so you can strip" Niall laughed and I reluctantly agreed.

Once we were both dressed we exited the hotel room and made our way down to the restaurant. As it wasn't exactly morning anymore we opted for brunch, half breakfast half lunch. Niall of course got the biggest meal there was and I chose half the size plate he had. Brunch was delicious though, we scoffed it down in minutes and I'm sure Niall wanted to get seconds but I told him its best not to get a stomach ache if we were going to go out somewhere.

We left the restaurant and unlucky for us a couple of young girls, no older than 14 approached us. They weren't like other fans though they were kind of shy and timid.

"Hello are you? Are you Harry Styles and Niall Horan?" one of them asked.

"We sure are cutie" Niall smirked at the girl

"Could we please get your autograph?" the other girls asked.

"Sure, but can you do one thing for us?" I asked and both the girls nodded without even knowing what I was going to ask. "Can you keep it a secret that we're here? We're trying to have a peaceful holiday and don't really want to be interupted"

"No problem" the more confident of the two girls answered.

I walked ahead as Niall said goodbye to the young girls, I'm not sure where I was going but getting lost would be an adventure in itself. Niall caught up and swung his arm over my shoulder, I shivered under his touch which caused him to look at me funny

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