Chapter 13.

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I groaned painfully as I slid myself out the warm comforts of my nice big bed. Today is the day we all go back to work and I've already received a text from Zayn saying we have a signing at 11am and after that a couple of interviews. Now don't get me wrong I love all this, I love the fame, I love what we do for our fans, but I am going to miss the break. It just seems to come and go too quickly.

Once I was out my bed I quickly showered and brushed my teeth before getting dressed into some denim shorts and a normal T-shirt. I wanted to make sure I was comfy if we're going to be sitting for a couple hours doing a signing and then a couple interviews. I grabbed my phone from my beside table and sent all the boys a text saying I was ready to be picked up once they were already too.

Of course I got a message back from Zayn and Liam saying they'd be at mine shortly and then a message from Niall saying he was getting something to eat and then he'd be on his way. Louis on the other hand must have been running late as usual because I didn't hear anything back from him.

Twenty minutes later Zayn and Liam arrived in the back of Niall's car as the front seat was filled with bags of food from Mc Donald's. I chuckled as I closed the door behind me and jumped in the back next to Liam.

"Where's Louis?" I asked curiously.

"He's still getting ready, he said to pick him up last" Zayn explained as he looked up from his phone and took notice of my presence.

"Fair enough"

Niall shifted the car back into gear and headed in the direction of Louis' place. It wasn't far from mine but after all the Larry drama we had to move into our own homes so people would stop assuming things about us. We reached Louis' house in five minutes and Niall parked up and honked the horn to let him know we were outside. A few minutes later and a cheese burger each Louis appeared from his house. He walked around the car and jumped into the passenger side lifting the bags of food onto his lap.

"Let's go"

Niall then shifted back into gear and pulled out back onto the road and in the direction of the signing. The whole ride we'd had security tailing us ready to help us into the building filled with screaming fans. Thinking about it this was going to be a shock back to the system. After having two weeks off from the screams I know it's going to hurt my ears.

Niall parked up in a parking space in the back of the large mall and security parked next to us. We waited for them to get out first and come open the doors for us. There weren't any fans we could see but as soon as we exit this car they could appear from anywhere.

Luckily enough we made it inside the building with no fans in sight. We made our way through the back entrance of the mall and into a room. There were some more security officers ready to protect us if any of the girls got out of hand but I didn't think we needed it personally.

"Ok guys, in about ten minutes were going to take you out and you can take your seats. The signing will probably take about 2hours to complete as we don't want to run into your interview time. Get as many as you can done. We've got about 200 people here. Good luck" The head security officer explained and left the room.

As he opened the door to exit in filled the screams of fans. They sounds so deathening yet so familiar. I was already feeling excited but now I was buzzing. The boys and I all high fived and hyped each other up before exiting the safety of the back room and heading out to take our seat in front of the crowd. I glanced across the audience in front of us to see girls crying, screaming and some even falling to the floor in all the excitement. It does worry me sometimes that someone could get seriously hurt but they're all so overly excited it's hard to calm them sometimes. Louis took the mic in hand and began speaking.

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