Chapter 30

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Ok guys so this is an emotional chapter, i woked really hard on it. If i can get 50 votes and 20 comments then i will update again today so your not left waiting around. It's up to you guys, i know you can do it ! Enjoy

Niall POV

The tears fell freely from my eyes as I tried to concentrate on the road ahead of me, I have no idea where I am going but I just couldn't stay near Liam's and I didn't want to go to Harry's in this state so I decided on driving for a while until I calmed down. Except my tears had no intention of stopping. I blinked frantically to try and dry my eyes of the salty droplets of water that wouldn't stop falling. I can't believe what Liam said to me. Like he seriously thinks that just because he says so I'm going to willingly brake up with Harry. I don't even know what his problem is; I've always been supportive of his relationships so why can't he be supportive of me.

I sniffled and sobbed as I turned a corner going onto another road. I still have no idea where I'm going or what directions I have taken to get where I am now but the weather has taken a turn for the worse. Rain has began falling from the sky, as much as I tried to focus on the heavy raindrops on the window shield to distract me from the upset Liam has caused nothing seems to be changing. My eyes are sore from crying and the tears are still coming.

Looking ahead of me the road looked clear so I took the opportunity to lift one hand off the wheel and wipe away all the tears from my eyes so my vision is cleared. With my eyes shut and only one hand on the wheel I quickly rubbed my eyes to rid me of my tears. I felt my eyes dry on the sleeve of my jacket and pulled my hand back away, but it was too late.

As I opened my eyes a huge beam of light blinded me, my ears filled with the constant sound of a long beeping horn. Frantically I tried to take control of the situation and swerve out the way of the oncoming vehicle. A huge bang sounded and I knew I'd been hit. My mind went blank as I watched everything outside the front window spin, everything was moving so fast. Things were turning as a pain filled my head and back. I put my hands on the roof of the car hoping that anything I could do would help this situation. Another loud bang and the spinning stopped. My hands are still on the roof but I'm sitting upside down with what I am guessing is blood dripping down my temple.

Shock took over as I frantically looked around. I'd just been hit by a car, I was in an accident! Oh my god am I dead?

I quickly scrambled around for the belt buckle to release myself. I can't stay in the car, I need to get out. I found the buckle and released it falling straight on my head; I let out a groan of pain as my neck bent on impact. I could see the passenger side of the car was bent from being hit.

I crawled toward the window on the driver's side and pushed it slightly so the glass would shatter. I covered my eyes slamming my fist as hard as I could into the window, I felt the glass brake around my hand and began dragging my body as fast as I could out the now broken window.

"Sir are you ok? Oh my god you're bleeding. Don't move ok, you could be really hurt!" A random woman was saying all these things to me but it was hard to hear over the ringing in my ears.

"I need to get away from the car!" I said as I continued to drag my body along the floor.

"Sir I really don't think you should be moving like that. Please stay still the ambulance should be here any second!" the same woman told me and this time I listened to her.

I lay my head down on the ground and tried to relax, my body is shaking like fuck and my head is hurting really bad. I could still feel liquid dripping down my face which obviously isn't a good sign if it is blood. I heard the ambulance speeding down the road with sirens on, in the distance I could see the blue and white lights flashing. Forgetting about the pain in my head I placed my palms on the floor and began pushing my body up so I could walk to the ambulance when I spotted something.

A flickering blue light was growing bigger under the hood of my smashed up car. I squinted my eyes to try and focus on what the random blue light was when my heart stopped in my chest. Fire! The car is on fire and there is petrol leaking from the smashing up vehicle. I quickly scrambled to my feet ignoring the pain shooting through my back.

"MOVE. GET OUT THE WAY!" I screamed to a couple people who had stopped to come help me.

I could see the fire getting bigger and spreading closer to the spilled petrol. I tried to stumble away from the car as quick as I could but by the time I got just 5foot away a loud bang echoed through the night and an intense wave of heat hit me in the back sending me flaying through the air. I hit the ground with a loud thud blacking out on impact!

Paramedic POV

We pulled up to the sight of the accident to see a car turned over on its side and blonde guy that looks no older then 19-20 stumbling away from it screaming at the bystanders. I couldn't quiet catch what he was saying then all of a sudden a huge explosion and a ball of fire erupted from the smash up car. I shielded my eyes but looked back just in time to see the blonde guy fly at least 15 foot away from the car landing with a deathening crack.

Speeding into action my adrenaline took over. I ran to the obviously injured and now possibly dead guy and knelt down beside him. I quickly checked for a pulse which I found but is very weak. I called for my partner to bring the stretcher. We have to get this guy to the hospital quick!

Quickly getting him on the stretcher my partner and I laced the injured boy in the back of the ambulance. I stayed in the back working on his injuries as my partner drove at top speed to the hospital.

If we don't get there within the next half an hour, this kid is dead!

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