Chapter 48.

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Short chapter, sorry guys. I am trying to make them longer. Quick authors note to say thank you to @emilyjane2013 and @mortal_ for giving me a couple ideas other wise this story would have ended sonner then this :) Thanks guys <3

[Niall POV]

After hearing all those hurtful things people were saying about me and Harry I just couldn't stand there any longer. I don't understand why people have to be so mean. Like I knew some people wouldn't be accepting of our relationship but that doesn't mean they can go around saying hateful things about us. So I did the only thing I knew I could do; I ran. I ran away leaving Harry standing there to face everyone. I'm such a shit boyfriend, I shouldn't have done that but on the other hand I couldn't just stand there and listen to them say such horrible things.

Without stopping I continued to run all the way back to my house. Once I reached the house I slammed the door shut behind me and ran into the living room throwing myself down on the couch face first. My eyes hadn't stopped streaming since I heard the first lot of words 'you fags' I mean who calls people that nowadays. Is it just because we're famous that people are going to be less accepting of our relationship or are people in the real world really that mean?

I shoved my face into the cushion on the sofa and began sobbing so much I began to hiccup. With my breathing getting irregular and my sobbing becoming incontrollable I pushed the cushion further into my face to try and calm myself down. But nothing seemed to be working.

I literally spent the rest of my day like this sobbing uncontrollably into the cushions on my sofa occasionally falling asleep then waking up and starting the process all over again. The last time I woke up I stayed awake and came to a conclusion. A conclusion that breaks my heart to even think about but I know I have to do it. I pulled my phone out my jean pocket and opened a new text message. I typed in the words I never thought I'd ever text, type or say and sent it. Tears streamed down my face as I launched my phone across the room. I can't believe I just did that!

I just broke up with Harry!

Jumping up from the couch I started to pace the room. Up and down. Back and forth. I eventually picked up my phone from the floor and luckily it wasn't broken but I daren't look at the home screen encase I have a message from Harry or any of the other boys for that matter. Without a second thought I quickly grabbed my keys and shoved them in my pocket before exiting out the front door. I need to walk I need to clear my head. Not to mention I don't want to be here if Harry's going to turn up begging me to get back with him because I know I'll cave and give in. So I just keep telling myself it's for the best. It's the best thing for us to break up because then the name calling will stop and we can both go on with leading our lives. It may not be together but it won't affect him that bad.

I quickly sped up my pace as I walked the near empty streets. The sky is becoming darker and darker by the minutes so at least now I will be able to hide better if I see anyone I know or anyone I don't know for that matter. Step by step I made it further and further away from my place yet the thoughts in my head aren't getting any clearer. I love and care for Harry so much, I didn't want to break up with him but I had to I had to do it to protect us both from the haters.

I continued to walk at a fast pace in no direction. I just kept walking until I found myself in an unknown area. The streets are dark and I can't see much of what's around me but I decide to stop and have a look around. I can see street signs but I can't make out the words, I can see shops but again no names. It's getting darker and darker so I should really turn around.

Just as I step to the side to turn and walk back home my arm is grabbed or caught on something. I turn around to catch sight of a dark towering figure above me. I can't make out their face all I see is an evil smirk before a large hand is wrapped around my mouth and my hands are restricted behind my back. I try my best to scream and squirm away but he's too strong. I pulled from the path I was walking along and shoved hard into a van. I cry out for help but am quickly hit hard with something over the back of the head and soon enough darkness consumes my sight and I'm pushed into unconsciousness. 

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