Chapter 40

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PLEASE READ> VERY IMPORTANT!- OK guys so I hate big authors notes but please read this if you LOVE this story. I've only got 4 more chapters planned out for this story as I'm having some writers block with it but I don't want it to end yet and I'm sure you don't too. So how about we work together and you guys can shoot me ideas either in the comments or PM me. If I used your idea then I will dedicate the chapter to you and mention you in an author's note. I don't want this story to end yet as it still has much potential but unless my brains starts working it will end soon :( SO please send in your ideas, suggestions or anything you may want to happen that I could get an idea from and the story will continue on for many more chapters

[Harry POV]

So Niall is heading back to his place today to get some well needed him time away from not only the other boys but from me as well. As much as we both love spending time with each other we both also know that time away from each other is good because if we're going to be together in the studio and on tour then some time apart now is good.

"It's going to be weird being away from you, even if it is a couple days." I admitted and Niall smiled.

"I know babe but we need this so we don't start getting on each other's nerves." he said before pecking me on the lips and gathering his stuff together.

I wait patiently on the bed while Niall gathers all his things together. Once he has everything we both make our way downstairs and I grab my car keys, phone and wallet. Now we both have everything we head out to the car. Niall jumps in the passenger side with his bag full of things and I climb into the driver's side and start the engine. We get on the road and I drive Niall back to his place.

"Will miss you!" He tells me and this time I smile.

"I'll miss you too."

We share a long sweet kiss before Niall jumps out the car and heads inside. I watch from the car until the door shuts behind him and then I drive off. Just as I'm driving I get a call on my mobile so I answer it via the car and speak out.


"Hey Haz its Lou, you free?" he asks

"Yeah sure, I'll come over I've just dropped Niall home." I explain

"Ok see you in a bit!" he says and then cuts me off.

I press the button on my steering wheel to cut the call off and then turn at the next set of lights heading in the direction of Louis' house. At least now I'm going around he's I won't be just sitting at home missing Niall. I can chill with Louis and have a laugh. I pull up onto his driveway and casually make my way inside without even knocking. I know some people may think that's rude but it's just how Louis and I are.

"Louis!" I call out as I make my way through his house.

He doesn't answer; instead I find him standing in the kitchen mindlessly pacing up and down while waiting for the kettle to boil. It's like he looks nervous and I've never seen Louis nervous so you can imagine my surprise.

"Lou are you ok?" I ask quietly but it makes him jump.

"Oh my god Haz you scared me." he gasps

"I called out your name when I walked in. What's up you look nervous?" I ask and he suddenly goes all shy and quiet.

I watch as he ignores my question and goes over to the kettle that's just popped and pours out two hot mugs of tea. He hands me mine and stands in front of me.

"I need your help, well advice!" he eventually says and I'm instantly worried.

"What's up mate? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong exactly I just um. I kinda kissed Zayn yesterday!"

The words coming out of his mouth shock me. I would never have guessed he would say something like that. I've always kind of known that Louis may like guys as well as girls but I didn't think Zayn would be his type. And Zayn he's with Perrie, oh shit and Louis is with Eleanor.

"But the girls? Your girlfriends?" I gasp and he sighs.

"I know but thing is Perrie actually split up with Zayn the other week, he told me yesterday and then we were just playing little big planet and ended up play fighting. The next thing you know we were kissing. Oh Haz I don't know what to do I just bolted out of there." he explained and I nodded taking everything in.

"Oh wow. I never thought I'd see that happen. So what happened when you kissed him before you ran out?" I asked and he half smiled

"Well I swear he kissed me back. But then when I pulled back and realised what I'd done I bolted out of there without saying anything. I'm such a prick!"

"You're not a prick Lou; you are obviously confused and need to figure out why you kissed him. Plus what about Eleanor?"

"Things with me and Eleanor have been rocky for ages now. I've found myself looking at other people for a while and I guess Zayn is one of them people. I don't know what's going on in my head right now Haz. Help me out, give me some advice please!" he begged and I felt bad.

I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to say to him. Until he figures out everything that's going on in his own head I'm not going to be able to advise him on what to do next. The only thing I can do is be a good friend and comfort him.

"Listen Lou, until you figure out what's going on. Find out what you want to gain from this then I can't help you. Do you like Zayn? Are you going to split with Eleanor?"

"I'm not sure. I think I do like him and I've known for a while that me and El should split I just don't know how to do it. Will you help me? Then once I've split from her I can think about what I'm going to do with this Zayn situation!"

"Of course I'll help you." I tell him and he runs into me wrapping his arms around me and I just laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" he asks confused.

"It's just going to be really odd if all this comes out and people find out we both like guys and we're not together. So many Larry shippers will be disappointed." I laugh and Louis clocks on laughing with me.

"You're right, but let's not think about that now. Right now we need to plan how I'm going to split with El!" He says and I agree.

We don't end up planning how Louis will split with Eleanor, instead we play games consoles listen to music and just catch up. Eventually I check the time and see its quiet late so I head home but on the way out I tell Louis I will be back around tomorrow.

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