Chapter 32

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Because you guys are so awesome i thought i'd update for you again. So can you guys answer this for me. Do you want me to update randomly a couple times a week or do you want me to set goals so you can possibly get more then one chapter a day???

[Still Harry POV]

"Oh my god Haz what happened? Is Niall ok? Can we see him? Have you seen him?" Louis ran into my arms straight away hugging me as tight as he could.

I melted into his touch and let his warmth comfort me, I had to be so strong moments ago to comfort Niall but I need this. I need to let it all out and Louis is just the person to comfort me.

"Niall is fine, he had an accident and as he was climbing out the car it blew up, he has a concussion and they stitched a gash up but he also has burns, they won't be able to tell how bad until the swelling goes down. I was with him when they stitched him up and when they moved him to a private room, the nurse has said we can go back up and see him but not to disturb him." I explained and they both nodded understanding

"Can we go up now; I really want to see him!" Zayn asked and I nodded.

With Louis holding tightly onto my hand I led the way up to Niall's private room, we stopped outside when we reached his room so I could remind them to be quiet. They again both nodded then we stepped inside. I dropped Louis' hand and quickly made my way over to the chair next to his bed. I heard both Zayn and Louis gasp at the sight of him. He must look awful to them but to me he's always gorgeous.

"Bad isn't it!" I said quietly holding Niall's hand in mine.

"Yeah it is!" Zayn replied

"Have the doctors said anything at all?" Louis asked

"Not really, just that they need to keep an eye on the burns for infection." I frowned.

The three of us sat mainly in silence just watching Niall lying ever so still, I had to check his breathing a couple times as I was concerned he'd stopped breathing but he was ok just in a really deep sleep. After we'd sat for about an hour in a bit of an awkward silence a doctor walked in greeting us all.

"Hello everyone how are you all?" he asked and we all hummed and nodded to his question. "I'm just here to check Mr. Horan's vitals and make sure he's not in any discomfort, but I can see he's happily sleeping so I won't wake him."

After the doctor finished explaining what he was doing he headed over to the machine attached to Niall and pressed a few buttons before writing down some notes. We thanked him for looking after Niall and then he left. Zayn stood just after and looked at me and Louis.

"I think I'm going to head home, Lou do you want a lift?" he asked and Louis nodded standing too.

"Please mate, I take it you're staying here Harry!" Louis asked and I nodded. "Alright well we'll see you tomorrow ok?"

"Alright boys, be safe!" I told them and we all hugged before they left the room.

Once the boys left I took some time to just watch Niall sleep. I'm still slightly in shock after what happened today. I still don't even understand how or why he was in an accident; Niall is such a good driver. The other weird thing is Liam not being here, Liam and Niall are such good friends, I text him as well as the other boys so why wouldn't he come?

Trying to forget about Liam for a minute I turnt my attention back to a sleeping Niall, I wanted to jump into bed next to him so bad but I don't want to hurt or wake him, until we know more about these burns I don't even want to touch him encase I hurt him.

I shuffled around in the chair and made myself comfortable, once I was comfortable I reached my hand out and took Niall's smaller hand in my larger one, if I can't hold him then I will at least hold a part of him. Eventually my eyes started to drop and I found myself falling asleep in the hospital chair next to Niall.

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