Chapter 44

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[Niall POV]

I walked ahead of Harry toward my house opening the front door for us both to enter. Harry closes the door behind him and follows me through to the living room. I slump down on the sofa and kick off my shoes before pulling my legs up and relaxing. Harry walks in and immediately I question him.

"So what's going on with Zayn and Louis? I know Zayn and Perrie split up and now they're acting all weird around each other and I know Louis tells you everything so come on spill the beans!" I demanded and Harry just stood in front of the living room doorway staring at me.

"Ni it's not my place to say." he eventually says as he steps into the living room kicking off his shoes just as I did.

"Harry please don't keep things from me. You're my boyfriend and I don't want us to hide things from each other. What's happened did they fall out? Did Louis do something with Perrie is that why they split up?" I questioned him some more.

"What Niall no! Louis would never do something like that. They kissed ok. Louis and Zayn were hanging out and Louis kissed him. But then he freaked out and ran away before they could talk about it so now things are awkward between them and will continue to be until they talk about it." he finally explained and I sighed internally thanking that it wasn't as bad as I thought.

Although it was weird that the two straightest guys in the band had made out and now were being really funny with each other. Louis is always loud and getting into mischief with Zayn by his side it's going to be weird if they don't sort things out between themselves.

"Thank you for telling me Haz. I won't say that you said anything. I'll keep it to myself until one of them tells me."

"Thanks babe." he smiles and I hold my arms out for him to come snuggle on the sofa.

I wait patiently as Harry slowly makes his way over to the sofa then jumps into my arms. I like the moments like these when it's just the two of us and I can't help but wonder when we're going to do it. We've done other things and I know he's probably waiting for me but the truth is I want to do it. I'm just waiting on him to make a move.

Almost as if he can read my mind Harry leans up and presses his lips softly to mine. I melt into his touch as he gently brings his hand up and cups my cheek. I'm not one to take control in situations like these not to mention I don't even know how to have sex with a guy so I just let Harry take control. He slips his tongue into my mouth and begins massaging my tongue with his. I moan into his kiss and feel myself growing more and more excited as things get heated very quickly.

While I deepen the kiss with Harry I move one of my hands down and grope him through his trousers, he moans quietly into my mouth which causes me to smile. I continue to rub and palm him through his trousers until he moans and moves away.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asks me and I nod shyly as I bit down on my bottom lip.

"Shall we go upstairs?" I ask and Harry stands taking my hand and leads the way.

When we reach the bedroom I didn't have a chance to make a move as Harry picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. Harry carefully walked me over to the bed and lay me down while he hovered above me. I can feel his hot minty breath on my lips as he moves ever so close connecting our lips once again. I thrust my hips up making contact causing friction between us making Harry moan into my mouth. It feels so good to finally be doing something I've been craving to do for so long.

I quickly tug on the bottom of Harry shirt while he hovers above me. Disconnecting our lips for a second Harry pulls his shirt the rest of the way off. My eyes and hands roam his body like I've never seen it before, when in reality I have seen it many of times just never this close up and personal.

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