Chapter 14

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I woke up to loud banging on my front door. Groaning in annoyance I slipped out of bed and made my way sleepily downstairs. I opened the door to see Niall standing there wearing a shit eating grin, he obviously knew he would be waking me up. I don't even know what time it is right now.

"What are you doing here?" I asked groggily.

"Brought you breakfast" he replied holding up a bag containing food.

I let out a groan but stepped out the way for him to walk inside. I closed the door behind him and followed him through to the living room. As he'd just woke me up I am still wearing nothing but a small pair of boxers and I could feel the nip in the air.

"Where's the rest of your clothes?" he asked

"In my bedroom, where I should be right now" I replied again still in a tired tone.

"Then let's go up there then" he suggested and my mouth opened in shock. What is he getting at?

"Huh? Why?"

"I meant so you could get changed into something warmer. What did you think I meant?"

"Oh nothing" I shyly answered and made my way up the stairs with Niall following close behind me.

I entered my room but instead of going to my closet to get clothes I hopped back into bed and pulled my cover over my body up to my chest snuggling back into the warmth.

"What are you doing? You need to get dressed" Niall laughed as joined me on the bed.

"I don't wanna; anyway you came here and woke me up. Give me my food"

Niall continued to laugh but handed me over the bag containing what smelt like bacon sarnie. I took one out and handed the bag back to Niall knowing the other one was for him. I stayed under the duvet to keep warm as Niall kicked off his shoes and sat crossed legged on the other end of my bed.

"So what do we have today?" I asked hoping Niall would know.

"I know we have rehearsals for the new tour but me and you also have a meeting with management for some reason" Niall explained.

"Why just us too?" I asked curious

"I have no idea; they just said they want to speak to us. It sounded important but god knows what it could be about" Niall answered.

We both sat silently eating our sarnie until we were both finished. I placed my rubbish back in the bag and left it in the middle of my bed. Picking up my phone I saw it was still only 8am but on the other hand we had to be at this meeting for 9am so I should really start getting ready.

I jumped off the bed and headed into the en-suit bathroom to freshen up. Firstly I flipped on the shower and let it warm up while I peed. Once the shower was warm enough I stripped out my boxers and threw them in the clothes hamper ready to be washed. I stepped inside the shower letting the warm water trickle down my bare body. I lathered in the shampoo then rinsed it out after my hair felt clean enough. Secondly I conditioned and then washed my body. Once I was clean enough I hopped back out the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I brushed my teeth and exited the bathroom finding Niall laid out on my bed looking comfy as ever.

"You alright there?" I asked as I entered the room making my way to my closet.

"Your beds so comfortable, you have to let me stay over more often" he laughed and snuggled further down into the duvet.

I let out a throaty laugh and continued digging through my closet for something to wear. I know for a fact there are going to be paps and fans everywhere today so I had to find something at least half decent.

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