Letter1- BSE/ WMYB

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Just a wanted to let you know:

When I put the '...' Around the sentences that what she's writing on the letters and I prefer to use song lyrics in her letters. :D


We were best friends since second grade, and I had known him forever, but I grew to think of him as more than just a friend. He was my only friend, and my first crush. We're thirteen now, I don't think I will ever get over this beautiful boy. Even though it has been years he has been the only one I tell everything to, the only one who I look forward to seeing everyday, the only one I have ever truly loved-other than my family-

School is harder now and a lot more stressful, but he keeps me happy, he makes me smile. Just walking past him in the hall makes me smile. He lights up my world like nobody else, the way that he flips his hair gets me overwhelmed. When I'm sad he says sweet things to me, that make me thin he thinks that I'm pretty or that I have the most beautiful smile he has ever seen, even thought he doesn't and never would think any of those things, I'm just the girl he's been friends with for a Long time, nothing more, but still  it makes me smile.

'You said her name was GeorgiaRose, and that her daddy was a dentist, he said you had a dirty mouth. Yea I'm aware that you curse, you try not to around me because I disapprove, but it slips out sometimes. Her dad doesn't like you, yet you seem so in love with her. My dad likes you a lot, but you'd never think of me the way you think of her, is it because we have been friend since we were little, or is it that I'm just not good enough for you, but all in all I'm not even allowed to date until I'm older, is that why you're with her? Do you truly love her or is it because you're waiting for me? I have no clue but that's okay, I guess maybe someday I'll find someone I'll like more or like I like you. I hope that person exists.'

I write this letter fold it up and put it in and envelope knowing that I will never give it to him, no I'm not afraid of him knowing I like him, I'm afraid of the truth, what if he doesn't  like me. I just I can't tell him. Yes, he means everything to me, but I'm scared he doesn't and never will think of me like I think of him.

Letters to You (Under Heavy Construction, but completed)Where stories live. Discover now