Letter9- Why dont you love me?

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Love, I cant wake up I'm living a nightmare, that keeps playing over again. Locked in a house so hung up on you, and your cool with just being friends. Left on the sidelines. Stuck at a redlight. Waiting for my time. Im sitting here waiting for you, even though I know your not coming to see me. If I had to guess you at her house doing whatever it is you do. I've been waiting for hours. It seems as though I'm always for ones who I know aren't coming. Why is that Love? I don't like waiting for you, but I have nothing better to do. I just need a friend love. I really that friend could be you. Could it be her, I'm sure she doesn't even know who I am. It would only make sense if she didn't, I doubt you talk about me. I don't even know anymore Love, what is it that I am supposed to do with my life. I sit home alone everyday what could I do? I would get a job, but what's the point in that, mom will just take every bit of the money I earn and spend on something that she will never use. Maybe she'd but more envelopes, but that would just give me more reason to write to you and more reason to think about you, which I don't really want to do anymore. I just wanna let you go an live your life, but I might as well use these until they run out. so I get a piece of paper a pencil and a envelope and go sit down and begin to write yet another letter to you.

'Why don't you love me, tell me I'm your everything the air you breathe, and why don't you love me, Love? Open up your heart tonight cause I could be all that you need, why don't you love me? See I'm just too scared to tell you the truth because my heart ache can't take anymore. It's broken and bruised, longing for you, and I don't know what I'm waiting for. Why don't you love me, Kiss me, I could feel your heart tonight, It's killing me so. Why don't you love me? Why don't you give me a reason. Please tell me the truth. You know that I'll keep believing until I'm with you Love.'

As normal I fold the paper and put it in the envelope the get up and walk to my room and put it in the drawer with all the others.


It short I know,

Fyi I have all the songs linked from youtube if you ever want to listen to them or know who their by

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