Letter3- You&I

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I saw you at school. You looked so sad, but I already know what happen. She broke up with you. It happened a what seems like forever without you but it's only been four months but you've fallen down so far. I never would mistreat you, I'm not a criminal. I speak a different language but I still hear your call. You decided to take Spanish even though we both agreed that we were gonna take french, I guess it's because you want to avoid me? I wish you didn't though, I really just want to talk to you. Im so lonely love, I really am.

    I need to just hear you beautiful voice again. I want you to tell me I'm beautiful again, when you know I know you don't mean it, but none of that matters. You don't care that I'm hurt, though it kills me to know that you are.

   When I get home I do the same as usual, I get some paper from moms room and begin to write.

'We'll love I just wanted to think about the past today, I'm already broken. so let's pretend it's when we were younger. We were the best of friends. Maybe then you actually cared about me. But I just wanna write about now. I guess it'll be a mix of now and then all in one, just for you love. I figured it out from black and white,second and hours. Maybe we had to take some time. I know how it goes from wrong and right, silence and sound. Did you ever hold each other like us? Did you ever fight like us? You&I we don wanna be like everyone else. We could've made to the end. Nothing could've came between You&I, not even the gods above could've separated the two of us. I guess this was kinda a long one love, I could write to you forever.'

I fold the note, put it in a envelope and put is in the e drawer in my room.

"I'll write you again soon Love" I whisper, and kiss my hand then put it to the drawer. "i love you Love.

Letters to You (Under Heavy Construction, but completed)Where stories live. Discover now