Letter 6- The Memory

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I didn't add a song into this one oops :p well I don't think you'll mind sorry if you do!


I get tired of sitting at home thinking of you love!, I want you so badly but at the same time I hate you! Oh Love I really need to give up on you, your stressing me out. My mom says I'm going crazy, but I honestly don't care what she thinks anymore, I won't respect her if she can't respect me Love, you taught me that. You taught me most things in life. I'm guessing you taught them to yourself. Whenever I think of you I get mad, then I get sad, then I think of all the happy and funny times we had together, and I realized everything in my life happened with or because of you, you were always there Love. Not anymore though. Can't you see Love. I truly am crazy! I just, I miss you so much, I can't bare it anymore, Love it has been almost a year since you last talked to me. I just wish I would've had the chance to tell you how much I really do care for you. I thought about heading out to the movies the other day, but I didn't have anyone to go with, I always went with you. Love, the one thing about you that always makes me smile is one memory I will never forget, It was the only time someone else taught you something you don't know, and that was me.

'Do you remember the night you were at my house, we were little kids then, about six or seven. I wanted to go outside and play tag but you were scared. I could've gave up and just played inside but I wasn't in for it, I wanted to go outside. We never really asked mom if we could go outside. She never cared. We did whatever we wanted to. But you refused to go outside with me. I was getting a little angry, I never was the sweet little angel with pigtails and lollipops. So eventually I go so mad I grabbed your arms and yanked you outside, you were really scared Love. But I didn't care at that point I wanted to play. You wouldn't though, you sat on the sidewalk shaking. So I went over to you and sat down. and I told you to look at the sky. When you did I said can't you see all the beautiful stars. You didn't care about the stars you said that has nothing to do with the dark. I thought for a minute and said but without the dark we'd never see the stars. You never thought of the dark the same. you wanted to go outside every night after that and go look at the stars, you were so cute love. I always went out with you.'

As usual I fold the letter put it in a envelope and in the drawer in my bedroom.

"Congratulations love" I say quietly the. Walk out of my room.

Letters to You (Under Heavy Construction, but completed)Where stories live. Discover now