Letter 13- HowLongWill ILoveYou

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This is a beautiful song by Ellie Goulding, I don't know when I'll have the video up probably soon. Just to let you know I'm only doing 20 chapters this one Is gonna be somewhat longer than the others because I have a lot that I need to happen :D


It's been about a week since I last wrote. You've talked to me since then Love, you really did. I felt the heat radiated from my face radiate off yours. it seems a little awkward at the moment, but it helped me realize how much I missed you. More than I could've I imagined. Your still with her though, you guys have been on and off for the last few months now, and every moment you weren't with her, I wished you were with me. Even in the moments you were with her. You got in trouble I'm science again. You just laughed. Your smile lit up the whole room. Do you think of me anymore love? Really I want to know.

School went by so fast today, I didn't think of anything except for your voice, you beautiful raspy voice, it wasn't like smoker raspy. It was like a type of umm.. I don't know raspy, but it was perfect. I walk home wondering what your doing at this very moment. Maybe with your girlfriend, fighting or something like usual. I sat in my room eating a bag of Cheetos, when I herd a knock at the door I quickly ran to the bathroom and washed the cheese off my fingers. Then I ran to go answer the door. My jaw dropped, it was you at my door holding a bouquet of flower.

"Carm, I'm so sorry. I didn't want to ign-"

   I ran to you and held you ever so tightly, you returned the hug. Then I stopped, why should I trust you love, you hurt me so much. I wouldn't be here now if I wasn't such a coward, and neither were you. You noticed me staring at you. They gleam I'm your eyes quickly disappeared. I wasn't happy with you, but it doesn't  seem   Like you minded much. After a minuet of silent stairs you kissed me, like you never wanted to be away. I never wanted you to be away. The anger quickly went away, and all I felt was love for you.

   When we stopped you talked to me, about alt of things, but what made me freeze I'm time is when you thanked me. I didn't know why you'd thank me for something that had happened so long ago.

    "I still remember that night you took outside to look at the stars Carm, the way you forced me even though I was scared to death, thank you for that," Them you quoted one of my favorite people on Earth, "You are the light by which my sprits burn:- You are my sun, my moon, and all my stars" After this you hugged me once again. The tears were running down my face. My mother would come home soon and you knew this, so you decided to leave. I didn't want you to go, nor did you want to leave.

    After you left I walked back to my room with a smile glued to my face. I had just gotten what I had always wanted. You. I decided to write my note, and eat Cheetos. I grabbed my pencil and a piece of paper, then began to write:

      'I have so many questions running through my mind love, but I also had an answer for each. How long will I love you? As long as the stars are above you and longer of I can. How long will I need you? As long as the seasons need to follow their plan. How long will I be with you? As long as the sea is bound to  wash up on the sand. How long will I want you? As long as you want me to and longer by far. How long will I hold you? As long as your father told you as long as you can. How long will I give to you? As long as I live through you, however long you say, I've always asked you so many questions about you, but you has only ever asked me one.'

The tears already falling as the answer went through my mind.

   ' Why do you love stars you would always ask me, well heres my one and only answer. They are the only thing that connects me to my dad. Now that I no longer have him, I have the stars to help guide me the way he would. He used to always say to me. Their wouldn't be a sky full of stars, if we were all meant to wish on the same one. My dad was crazy about the stars, almost everything he ever talked about was them. He wanted to be an astronomer, but he never made it in time love. He never did.'

   I fold up the letter and put it in my white envelope. Then I put it in my drawer.

   "I'll do it for you daddy, I will make you proud"

     "When darkness is at it's darkest, a star shines it's brightest"

            -Louise Phillips

Letters to You (Under Heavy Construction, but completed)Where stories live. Discover now