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C H A P T E R    E I G H T; 



Hermione gave a small sniffle before sitting down at her desk. Her eyes tired and dead. Hours of crying last night was certainly not an ideal situation, but he just left her. Left her to go through life alone. Hermione picked up her wand which was neatly tucked away in her blazer pocket and muttered 'juvi' and soon Hermione tear stained cheeks were back to normal, her eyes were not wet with tears, her hair was combed neatly into a bun. She could do this, start over, find a person who wouldn't leave her lonely.


Draco Malfoy pushed through the crowded corridor to the Magical Law Enforcement Office. Hermione was in there, Fern worked in there also. She would be the one with her head down working, not gossiping. But as he grabbed for the door and swift swipe left him surprised. "Finnigan?" Malfoy asked looking at the boy, usually, he would see his face covered in soot from when he would explode a potion of some sort. But the boy had grown. He was about the same lanky height as him and had a strong muscular build that made him look intimidating and scary.

"I don't let Death Eaters into the Ministry. That's a rule." Finnigan didn't even look in his direction but he knew some people had not yet grown out of old habits. It was to be expected, someone would stop him. Ever since
Voldemort left his burning, piercing Dark Mark on his left forearm nothing has been going his way. Malfoy rolled his eyes and elbowed Finnigan. But as he tried to advance onwards the tight grip around his arms and the hoisting of the Slytherin made him remember to when his father would carry him away when he picked a fight with Zabini or Goyle. They were tender moments, now his father is long gone. Gone with the loving blow of a Dementor. 

Like a small child, Draco made a hissy fit. "I need to see a therapist." He argued, Seamus stifled a small laugh. 

"Don't talk funny with me Malfoy there is no therapist here. Try St. Mungos'." Draco groaned in frustration until the pair walked into the fireplace. "Malfoy Manor!" Seamus shouted at the fireplace, shoving Draco into the painless flames. Fire engulfed him and soon the man was back where he started. Home. 



I just wanted to thank you for inviting me to your wedding. And on your behalf, Ron should not have done such a cruel thing, and right now I feel a funny feeling in my stomach that spells out empathy. I feel like you out of all people have finally accepted me, and I feel immense gratitude. 

I was an utter jerk, and I know words cannot express the apology I want to give you.

But yet again I must ask another favour. 

My mother died a month ago, and my sorrow has been a thing that has left me miserable and my industry is suffering. I understand the situation of getting over Weasley but I must ask this again. I was put under a special Amortentia, one that according to Parkinson finds your soulmate, this person, (I call Amortentia) has been haunting my visions. 

I can't see her and it hurts me because she can make this all better. 

I wanted to see you personally than taking your spare time from reading but Finnigan carried (literally) out of the Ministry and I fear to act like an idiot and come again. 

If we could arrange a meeting, once you have settled yourself that would be splendid. 

Forever in your favour,



The feeling in his stomach still had not settled down once Draco saw the letter fly high into the sky on his owl Mystic. He felt nauseatic, all these years and he was finally apologising. Hermione was a bookworm surely the words would be enough. But bookworms are the hardest to please. 

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