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C H A P T E R    T W E N T Y - S I X;

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C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - S I X;

Luna was still the slightest bit worried about Malfoy. Maybe if would've been better if she'd just shut her mouth for once. "What would Mother do?" She thought loudly. Rolf looked at her with a concerned expression. "Luna..."

Lovegood's head turned to look at her husband and gave him a faint smile. "It's just these two like to kick and turn around a lot." Rolf nodded his head slowly, Luna had definitely not been being herself ever since she had fallen pregnant with the Scamander twins. He wondered if it was just because she wasn't feeling 100% or something was weighing on her mind. He had the slightest suspicion it was the latter.

"I love you, Luna... You don't have to be afraid to tell me things." Luna gulped, breathing out she shook her head. She had told Rolf everything she knew, it seemed weird though, it seemed as though she had to tell him something, she just wasn't sure what it was.

She wasn't entirely sure how she knew Narcissa Malfoy was murdered or how she knew Draco Malfoy was under the influence of a love potion, it seemed like she just knew. The Nargles were telling her that she had to know, for some unconventional reason. The one thing she knew is that she regretted mentioning it to Malfoy that day in the Department of Mysteries.


Hermione saw a head of platnium blond hair and quickly scooted to the nearest alleyway.

Why was Draco here?

Was he looking for her?

What was he going to say?

Among all that worrying and anxiety Draco Malfoy had come across Potter who was quite concerned that Hermione had disappeared in the middle of the day. "You haven't seen Granger anywhere have you Potter?" Passing a curious and suspicious glance at Malfoy he shook his head, only partially telling the truth.

"Why? What do you want from her?" Harry had the slightest suspicion that Malfoy did not mean well, it was only best to check. Harry Potter knew very well that Malfoy had changed, but Hermione was a special case and he didn't want her messing with the wrong people, people who had a dodgy past to be frank.

"She's my date to the Gala, Potter. I need to talk to her." Judging from Draco's facial expressions Harry could tell the man was pissed, pissed becuase he had asked such a question in the first place and pissed that he wasn't telling him the truth.

From the corner of his eye Hermione could be seen staring that pair of men and it wasn't long until Malfoy and Granger's eyes had met.

Harry was so shocked, no words seemed to be escaping his mouth. Hermione had agreed to go the Gala with Malfoy. Either Hermione had no choice or she trusted him. Harry really wanted to believe it was the latter.

However Draco had already brushed past Potter before Harry was ready to comeback with an intelligent response.

"Hermione..." Granger spun around to almost get a heartattack as she was staring face to face with Malfoy. How had he moved so fast? He seemed to have a radar on her, watching her every step. Hermione, however, was not up for silly thought such as that. Draco must have been serious about the date to the Gala if he was to be searching to find her.

"I just need a proper affirmation from you Granger." Draco breathed, looking at her with a stern expression. Hermione swore there was not need to cut to the chase. But then again she was still not sure about what to do.

"Give me more time."

"I'm afraid I can't."

Draco wanted an answer, and he needed it now. His mind was making him do dumb, silly things. It seemed Amortentia knew what she was doing, becuase he certainly didn't.

Listen to me Draco, I know what I'm doing. To be honest, he hoped for once that she was speaking the truth.

Hermione shook her head, she still wasn't sure. But then again there was that one voice telling her it would only be one night. A night she could easily erase. It wasn't a second Battle of Hogwarts, she could do it.


It felt good to know the thought would no longer linger in Draco's mind. A smile crept onto his face, it was small but he knew it was going to put his mind at ease. At least for a little bit.

Harry was still not sure if he should have eavesdropped. Walking down the main street of Hogsmeade he couldn't stop thinking about what was going through Hermione's head. After everything that Malfoy had said to her, she was still going to the Gala with him. It practically made no sense.

That, and the fact that they weren't close friends either. They rarely knew each other for a matter of fact. Why would he all of a sudden decide to attend the Gala, and attend it with Hermione?

Obviously something had happened between them, but Harry was scared to think about what it could be. When Draco announced that he was going with her he stated it without hesitation. It seemed that Hermione was moving from the past at quite a rapid pace.

Harry Potter was close to Hermione, but he would never be the one to dicate her life. He just hoped that the past wasn't pulling strings on her descisions. He hoped that Hermione will have the ability to put that past behind her.

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