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C H A P T E R    T W E N T Y - O N E;

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C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - O N E;

"I have come to the conclusion that this bloody hole is cursed!" Hermione merely rolled her eyes as she rested her back against the soft moss. The sky was a mixture of pastel purples and oranges and Granger could estimate she had been stuck here for at least four hours.

"Just sleep Pansy, someone will come!" Hermione muttered lazily, trying to persuade her to rest and shut up. Parkinson softly kicked Granger's leg and replied, "well, no-one is going to know to look her if we don't make a noise."

The old-Gryffindor tutted in agreement but refused to make any noise gesturing for Pansy to do it herself.

Even though the two had made up with any contradictions throughout their school years the two didn't exactly click into formation. They often sought conclusions and solutions but endlessly bickering until someone told them to do otherwise.

By the end of the year the bickering resulting in being more playful and reasonable which came as a major milestone after facing nearly every single one of their classes together.

Hermione didn't exactly mind the situation at hand before Pansy had stumbled her way in before she had some time to relax and unwind herself. When she was surrounded by other events and paperwork it was impossible for her to be calm. It was helpful.

Pansy Parkinson is the opposite of helpful.

The woman couldn't simply stand still, after calling out for help for a good minute or so, Parkinson moved onto pacing around the space, kicking pebbles and picking flowers.

No matter how quiet, night had fallen and the two were in desperation for water.

"You know what? What if I climbed on your shoulder, I could grab one of our wands." Pansy's eyes flickered with agreement at Hermione's idea. At least they wouldn't die.

Pansy stiffened up the second pressure was put on her shoulder. She cried out and sniffled with pain until Hermione jumped down with glee. Grabbing onto Pansy, the two apparated out and collapsed onto the ground, completely exhausted and dehydrated.

With the grasp of level ground, Pansy sprinted away terrified while Hermione laid on her back. Her body was in immense pain and Hermione was trying it's best to wait until she got herself to at least Ginny and Harry's place.

"Come on," she breathed desperately, "just a couple more steps."


Luna Lovegood was quite surprised that Draco bore such a surprised expression that day. It seemed to her as though he never knew her mother was murdered.

The only dilemma came with the fact that Draco knew that she had knowledge of the situation. She would have to conceal herself before the culprit was caught. Lovegood was praying on her hands and knees begging that Malfoy did not conceive the situation in a different light.

Luna Lovegood was certainly not a murder. Not in her right mind would she ever kill someone, especially when she lost her mother so long ago.

Luna never wanted to see people in pain, she hoped he would be okay from then on.

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