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C H A P T E R    T H I R T E E N;



"From Romeo and Juliet?" Hermione asked bewildered Fern nodded and patted her tummy once again. "But if he's going to be Romeo I suppose he needs a Juliet doesn't he?" Hermione chuckled, Fern laughed and nodded. 

"I wonder who that Juliet is going to be then." Draco pondered aloud, the two women turned to look at the man as he reclined in a relaxed position twiddling his fingers. Hermione tried her best to contain her laughter whereas Fern couldn't and she burst into laughter. Fern left Hermione's desk a little happier after that ordeal and walked out of the Ministry smiling, knowing that she could report back to Pansy saying that the Amortentia was working after all.

"I think we should go to my place, after all, we are going to be disturbing these lovely people here." Hermione gestured, swinging her arms backward, Draco subconsciously nodded and with that signal of approval she grabbed his arm and they were sent on a ride all the way to Hermione's little cottage that she used to own with Ronald, that was until after she kicked the man out. There were still boxes of his clothes and items around and Hermione in haste had tried her best to clean the place up. The cottage itself was by the serene English beaches, well away from any wizarding community. From outside they could hear the waves breaking onto the shoreline rocks and Hermione inhaled a deep breath of the salty sea air before opening the door to her house. 

"This place is beautiful," Draco muttered softly as he walked across the white timber floorboards and taking in the angelic looking surroundings. His eyes caught the mantel place where there was an assortment of polaroid type pictures, most of them were with either Harry or Ron. All three of them laughing and smiling and chatting along in the pictures, but as his eye trailed along he caught more and more of Hermione and Ron, them dancing, the proposal, them holding hands. 

Draco was mildly surprised to find that Granger still hung onto these moments as memories. She was rather brave to still be able to look at them, he supposed. But in his mind, strings mysteriously tightened as he looked at them and he cringed slightly as he saw a picture of Hermione laughing at Ronald's food stuffed face. He remembered all the times of the Golden Trio hunting him down, their suspicions that he was working for Voldemort, the confrontation that they were right. A cold chill ran through his spine quickly as he shook his head before he spun around quickly at the sound of a flash and a click to accompany it. 

"Hermione?" Before he could receive an answer he was blinded by a white light and as he recovered he glanced momentarily to see a grinning Granger with a muggle camera. 

He smiled and went to swing his hand to knock the camera out of his face but in spite Hermione playfully moved backwards and swung the camera lens right at Draco before clicking for another photo. 

"Say cheese!" Hermione teased at Draco as he scowled at her playfully and processed to chase her around the little cottage on the seaside. 

Both were happy that they were enjoying moments such as these because out in public they kept on a miserable facade which left people to leave them alone and miserable, but here, when they were alone, with no one to watch they were happy because secretly they fit like jigsaw puzzle despite the past lingering in the back of their minds, for memories that could heal them they decide it is best to leave the past behind. 

They both had love stolen from them and they needed good memories to replace the miserable. 

They were having fun.

Despite what others may think.

They didn't care what others thought. 

At least for that moment in time. 

Nothing mattered. 

Draco continued to attempt to retrieve the camera from Granger's grasp but she continued to move backwards and she continued to flash the light at his face, helping her to gain an advantage in their little race. 

Draco ran right at Hermione and caught the camera smirking in victory that he had stopped Hermione from annoying him any further. 

"I beat you, Granger. And now you have to suffer from the consequences!" 

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