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C H A P T E R     T H I R T Y - T W O; 

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C H A P T E R     T H I R T Y - T W O; 

Pansy sat and listened intensively to Draco's recount of the previous day. First of all, appearing on Granger's benchtop wasn't the greatest time and the fact that Narcissa's murder was on Hermione's birthday was an odd coincidence. 

"Sit up straight, Draco. These things come with trial and error, at least you weren't sobbing in her arms." Draco shifted his weight from one side to the other while Blaise snickered from behind. However, Pansy spoke some sense, at least he was recovering from the shock, he was calmer now, but that didn't mean he couldn't get better. 

"Pansy's right, sooner or later you have to realise it's all in your head, in order to get things done you have to face it head on." 

'Since when did these two become therapists?' Draco thought to himself, he definitely wanted to give this dating thing another go. He hoped Hermione was up to the task as well. "Tomorrow to soon?" He asked, looking at the two of his friends. Pansy shook her head, trying her best to conceal a smile. 

"Next week," Blaise suggested. Draco agreed dating was a thing to come with time. 

For the remainder of the day, Draco decided to spend it on Diagon Alley. Glancing and popping in and out of stores was certainly a good way to relax, however, his eyes caught hold of Weasley Wizard Wheezes. He hadn't actually been inside the shops but word from friends and Hermione said the shop was definitely worth a visit. 

"Morning, Weasley." Draco greeted, George nodded his head in greeting. But the Weasley couldn't help but wonder why Malfoy had come. 

"You looking for something in particular Malfoy?" George couldn't help but wonder why Draco happened to visit his store. It seemed like Draco was pulling out surprises all of the time, he had no idea what Hermione was doing with the guy but he wanted to know if he was still up to his usual antics. 

"No, I heard about this place and decided to have a visit." George was surprised Malfoy came out of pure curiosity. At the corner of George's eye, he could see that Ron was staring at Malfoy as well. Turning his attention to his younger brother he called him over. "How has this place been doing financially?"

George racked his brain for an appropriate answer. 'The Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes' may be his pride and joy but he certainly wasn't knowledgeable about the profits or even the money they had made. However business has been rather slow, and they still haven't made enough money to buy the empty shop in Hogsmeade. If they were able to manage that George knew that he'd be doing Fred proud. "Not really," George decided to reply, it sounded almost like he was leading for Draco to make some great donation. 

However, George was shocked when Draco pulled out a key. "This is the key to my Savings Vault. You're welcome to use all of it to buy another shop and for some advertising." Blinking his eyes multiple times George slowly moved his hand to grab the key. 

The Weasley Vault as he remembered only had a small pile of coins. He recalled the time when he looked into Harry's Vault the whole room filled with Gallons. How envious the lot of them were seeing that money. However, he had never heard of a wizard holding a savings account. Did that mean his current Vault was full? George couldn't even begin to think about the amount of money that could be in there. 

"What are you doing? Trying to bloody bribe us?" Draco looked up from his searches to look at Ron with a hard and stern expression. 

"No, I was just trying to do something nice. Everyone deserves a little bit of help." George was looking back and forth from the too. Secretly he wondered if Hermione had put an enchantment on the Malfoy, he seemed far too nice to just give them a whole Vault of money. But then maybe this was a bribe, a bribe to make them accept the fact that he was with Hermione. 

Cutting into Ron and Draco's intense (yet, unannounced) staring competition George spoke, "So you are really dating Hermione?" Draco broke the stare and thought carefully about his answer before coming up with an appropriate answer. 

"What would like to hear, that I'm dating her? I think we are, not really sure. This money isn't a bribe, I just want you to know I've changed." George, who had his mouth left hanging wide open closed it and nodded, gesturing for Draco to move to the counter. 

"Stink bombs, eh?"

"Just trying to get a pal into his right mind." Chuckling George handed to bombs back and patted Malfoy on the shoulder. 

"I forgive you mate, no need to pull insane stunts like that." Draco nodded and bid the two Weasley's farewell before entering into the slightly chaotic place that it Diagon Alley. 

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