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C H A P T E R    E I G H T E E N;


Now with his friendship with Hermione now out the window, Draco suddenly was left all alone in the company of his Amortentia. The woman always beginning to talk the moment he began to sleep or even when he was conversing with his colleagues at work.

Wishing more than ever he wished a solution had been found, or better yet, that he could have stopped this all from happening in the first place.

Most of Draco's time was now spent in the Department of Mysteries where he would attempt to figure out the murder or his mother. The very subject causing the man to leave the room in utter despair.

The room always was empty, as he had heard, previously the entire room had been shelved with oracles. However, much to the Ministry's dismay all of the oracles were broken in 1996.

Searching around a blank warehouse Draco retraced his steps along the edges of the room humming to himself before he herd footsteps follow up from beside him.

Curling his brows confused he turned on his heel to be greeted with a blank landscape. Draco's heart began pumping uncontrollably until he heard a laugh echo through the warehouse.

"Sorry, I laugh when I'm scared." Luna Lovegood peered from behind some remaining shelves with oracles and smiled at Draco before walking into the light.

The woman was still wearing her usual apparel which consisted of her abnormally large spectacles, a magazine in her grasp and her bare feet slipping slowly along the floor.

Draco chuckled with a childish grin on his face the woman still seemed to act and present herself like a thirteen-year-old. "What brings you here Loony?" Malfoy asked, trying and attempting to keep his face straight for the time being.

"I'm making sure the Nargles and Wackspurts don't destroy the remaining Oracles you see." Draco shook his head sadly and chuckled. Walking up towards the shelves he traced his fingers along the Oracles that belonged to the youngest wizards and witches in the wizarding world. Frankly, after the Second Wizarding War, not many children have been born.

"Look at me now mother, looking at Oracles with Loony," Draco mumbled under his breath smiling at the thought of his mother chuckling along with him.

"Do you miss your mother Draco?"Malfoy was taken off guard with Luna's question at first but then settled to nod and walk away. As Draco had set a few more yards of distance between the two Draco could hear a reply, "I couldn't imagine my mother being murdered."

Malfoy's eyebrows furrowed with how a person like her would be able to figure out such news when Draco had done his very best to keep the murdering sides of his mother's death under wraps. "H-How did you figure that out, Luna?"

He turned to Luna with his wand raised to her face, she merely shrugged and continued to look on the shelves of Oracles as though it was no big deal. Approaching her slowly Draco placed a hand and tuned Luna towards him looking at her with a maddened and stern expression.

"How did you find out my mother was murdered, Luna?" Draco repeated slowly. Luna seemed rather stiff and her mouth remained shut as she wriggled her way out of his tight grip.

Draco was getting rather frustrated and he hated the thought that his family business could be in jeopardy if the news never seemed to make the frontlines of the newspaper. With his father dead and rotting in Azkaban, it did a lot of damage but a murder would be far, far worse.

"Please Loony, I don't want to hurt you but I need you to tell me who told you." Lovegood was becoming rather restraint and Draco couldn't bear to think what his rage could do to the woman.

"I can't tell, but I know no one will never know, I promise."

A U T H O R S     N O T E;

Sorry, all for the extremely long wait. I cannot thank you enough for the 3.5K reads and coming back onto Wattpad has been an absolutely pleasant surprise with many new followers. :)

I will hopefully be able to upload more books and not just Harry Potter fanfics but original stories and KPOP Fanfics for you all. I don't really know if you'll read them but my fandoms are seeming to split more equally between Harry Potter and KPOP and I thought about giving it a fair go.

Thank you all for everything,



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