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C H A P T E R   S I X T E E N;



Hermione felt quite nauseous after the entire ordeal with Draco being unconscious. And to be fair, so was Pansy. Hermione was now watching Draco quietly, a coffee mug in her hand to keep her well occupied. Pansy, however, was having a hard time finding a spare potion she could use to revive the boy and she was running out of ideas. 

Never had Hermione felt so guilty about hurting someone, never had she felt that what she had done was the bad thing. 

Draco's chest heaved with every forced breath to survive he made. Every time, Hermione would sigh with relief as well, knowing that she wasn't a murderer. 

Pansy tapped her fingers on the table, staring at the huge pile of potions she had taken from the shelves. "I think if we mix the last few drops from these Revival Potions we can wake him up." Hermione sighed and placed her hand on her hot forehead. 

Standing up and offering Pansy a quick, mutual hug. The two had finally figured out how to save Malfoy. 

Pansy placed a spare cauldron on the table and the two began vigorously opening bottles, tapping out what remained and throwing the glass away. 

Hours passed the cauldron was about substantial enough for one dose. Collapsing onto the chair beside her Pansy flexed her muscles out of fatigue, making Hermione chuckle before helping Pansy tip the contents carefully into Draco's mouth.

Getting it into Draco's mouth was the easier part. 

Making an unconscious Draco swallow it was harder. 

Blaise Zabini woke from his mid-day nap to see the two collapsed woman beside Draco. Grinning cheekily Blaise let a little rat loose, allowing it to creep them out. Some screams later Pansy was most displeased that the potion was still in Draco's mouth. 

That was before she spotted the rat in Blaise's hands. Quirking her pursed lips to the side she grinned before placing the rat on top Draco's face. The hair making Draco begin to cough. Covering his mouth and nose the concoction swallowed. Hermione and Blaise watching the scene in utter disgust while Pansy was applauding herself quietly.

"B-bloody... r-rats..." Hermione looked suddenly to see Draco flutter his eyes to confusion, holding his bruised head carefully before managing to sit on the floor. 

"See? It's good when you know your best friend's allergies." Hermione chuckled at Blaise and Pansy's remark and the woman sat beside him. Brushing off any hair that had attached itself to his vest. 

Draco felt himself suddenly clench tightly at Hermione's contact. The light feeling making a tingling sensation run through his body. Draco tried his best not to shake her hand off and waited with shaking hands before she stood up and offered to help him up. 

"I'm so sorry Draco. It's just..." Draco heaved a deep sigh before looking the other way besides Hermione guilty face. 

"I thought you changed and would let everyone see two people from different sides of the war be together in friendship. Maybe that was too much to ask." Hermione opened her mouth to try and fix what she had done. But the unfixable scars that ran down Draco's back were not going to heal with the word sorry. 

It seemed with one person leaving her, Hermione had ruined nearly every single friendship she tried to create. 

Hermione shut her mouth and looked down before watching Draco touch her shoulders gently. In that instant, butterflies seemed to flutter uncontrollably and Hermione tried her best to stop the feeling altogether, knowing exactly what she had just done. 

Wrapping his arms around Hermione, Draco could finally inhale something other than pain. But he could smell guilt override his senses. Looking at Granger one last time. Draco let his arms drop to his sides before turning around and bidding the other two farewell. 

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