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C H A P T E R    T W E N T Y - F O U R;

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C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - F O U R;

Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy exchanged glances at Gringotts as they took out money from their vaults. "You want something?"

Draco jumped realising all of a sudden that Hermione was talking to him, surely enough Hermione was quite aware that he was staring at her. "Uh... Nothing." Draco managed to say amongst his stuttered and swallows.

Hermione nodded knowing Malfoy would rather keep quiet and began to walk out.

"Hermione, wait!" Hermione turned on her heels to see that Draco had grabbed hold of her trenchcoat tail. Shaking it out of his grasp she wondered what could possibly be the matter now.

Draco could sense of urgency and need to go wherever she wanted, but Draco just wanted to let her know of something that had been lingering in his mind recently.

"Um... Would you like to go the Gala together next week?"

A mixture of terror and suspicious tickled through Hermione's veins. Why would Draco ask her to the Gala? Among everything that had happened since she had left Hogwarts, this had to be one of the most ironic for sure.

Draco looked at Hermione for a while awaiting her response. "So..."

"I guess, but if this one of your jokes, I'm not in on it."

Draco Malfoy obediently shook his head and Hermione gives a faint smile. "I'll let you know when I'll pick you up!" By the time Draco had finished his sentence the EXIT was lightly swaying, Hermione's trench coat tail quickly disappearing around the corner.

Malfoy had not the faintest idea why he decided he should ask Hermione. It seemed the right idea to do, he just knew he had to make some kind of excuse.

Why? Because the Wizarding World will never let him forget if he stuffs this up.

Hours had passed and Amortentia never seemed to shut her mouth.

Make sure you treat Hermione well, you can't stuff this up Draco.

Forgetting about your date with her is a big NO!

"I GET IT!" Heads turned as Draco yelled out loud during peak hour in the muggle train. Draco apologies abruptly and then faced towards the window.

The day went on with Amortentia's constant rambling. Wrapped in the entire situation, Draco had a slight suspicion that Amortentia was to blame. Whether it be because she wanted Draco to come out of his cocoon or that Hermione was, in fact, Amortentia he had no idea.

If it were later, he was unsure of how he would react, if he would leave the woman be or if it would initiate a spark, if it would lead to more. However, he doubted it, a love potion would never, ever fix up everything he had ever said years ago.

Did he regret it? Yes.

Did he apologise? Yes.

But that certainly did not mean that Hermione and many of the muggle-borns forgave him, they would never forget, they will continue to avoid him like some spot of mould. Maybe that's how it should be.

Hermione Granger was certainly curious as to why Draco could ask her to the Gala next week. He had never been, it suddenly comes to him that he should attend? Why her? She did help him a little with his lovesick problems, but she did not think the date would be a gift of gratitude.

As she stared out of the window pane Hermione unconsciously wondered who Draco could be so head over heels in love with. Pansy Parkinson had indeed done well for the potion to work so strongly.

She also wondered if Pansy had any idea who Draco was 'in love' with. Because for all she knew, if there was another person who could take her place next week, she would definitely wouldn't go.

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