Chapter 13; Into Suburbia

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Leaving the drunkness, violence, and sadness behind, I abandoned the thoughts of getting the article and ran for my life into suburbia.


(The places and people in this chapter are not based on anyone or anywhere I know of, it is purely a coincident if they remind you of someone alive or dead.)

After running madly past identical houses for roughly 15 minutes, Mikes furious cries died away. I slowed down relieved, turning towards a nearby cafe.

The 'Tuatara Dairy' didn't look like it offered anything much in the way of food except maybe some old peanut & chocolate cookies, smoothies full of flavouring (and no actual berries) , and some energy drinks. But still, it was better than nothing.

I pulled my coat closer to me, and entered the weird-smelling shop.

Selecting an energy drink with the least artificial flavouring, I walked up to the counter. It was crowded with superstitious knick-knacks such as lucky cats, green leaf clovers and horse shoes.

When a middle-aged lady with purple-streaked hair shuffled up to the counter, I rummaged around in my coat, scooping out $5 in change. She murmured something to me like;

"There's a good girl." before shuffling away.

I read the yellowed piece of paper on the desk.

It said;

Person on desk: Tara

Manager: Tua

Deputy-manager: Tara

Cleaner: Tara

I snorted. Tua & Tara at the Tuatara Dairy. Of course.

Someone cleared their throat loudly. My head jerked up.

A middle-aged man with wrinkles around his green eyes stared at me. He was wearing a grubby t-shirt and trackpants. His oily black hair stuck out at all angles. It looked like he'd tried to flatten it, unsuccessfully.

He clear his throat again. "This you?" He mumbled, holding up a scratched phone.

My mouth went dry. On it was a recent post on Facebook by the Auckland police reading;

Cassie Brooke disappeared from her suburban Auckland bach that she shared with her Mother. Her mother, Cathy Brooke, states:

"I was out for the night with my friend's parents, Mike (Cathy's boyfriend) was home though. I got home, he was drunk by himself, and Cassie was gone." Mike was unable to make a statement.

I raised an eyebrow, surprised that Mike had actually managed to kick his gross friends out before Mum had got home.

I continued reading:

Cassie's boss, Collin Sherlock, stated stiffly that; "I didn't hear anything from Cassie nor did I see her after she left work."

A personal statement from Cassie's family:

"Cassie, if you have run away, please come home now, we love you and we are very worried about you."

If anyone has any information on the recent disappearance of Cassie Brooke please contact the Auckland Police immediately.

Under the small article was a photo of me from my latest birthday. I had cake smeared on my cheek and I was grinning from ear to ear. Holly and Lucas were behind me, Lucas was grinning and Holly was laughing.

No-one would've guessed that about 5 minutes after that photo was taken, Mike punched me in the arm and sneered; "Happy Birthday.'

I composed a straight face and stared up at the man I presumed to be Tua.

"No," I said stiffly. "That is not me."

His dark green eyes stared me down and I fought the urge to flinch. "Are u sure, kid?"

I shook my head. "Must be my doppelgänger!" I said jokingly.

Tua did not smile.


Sorry I did not update this sooner, Meant to on Saturday but I was at my grandmas which sadly meant no wifi. This chapter is dedicated to my Wifey, whose iPod screen was smashed (idk how yet). Stay strong Wifey 4 Lifey!!!

P.s all the time I read authors on Wattpad saying about making cover art for their books, and people doing it for them, and my question is; "HOW? How do you make such an awesome thing on Wattpad???? HOW? "

If ANYONE knows how to do this, pls comment on this chapter telling me how. Or u could inbox me on my wattpad account, but i do not check it that often. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!

:) Comment ;) Vote :D and Share if your feeling generous :p

And as always.....MEEP!!

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