Chapter 18; Greetings Murderer

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I tried to scream but nothing came out. The Black Shadow had found me.


I was frozen to the spot in absolute, pure shock.

Naturally, like all dramatic damsels in distress, I tried to punch the evil villain (or in my case, stalker) and then flee to the safety of the busy streets.

And of course, like most evil villains/stalkers, he swiftly resorted to tying my hands behind my back, gagging me then throwing me over his shoulder.

After trying unsuccessfully for 5 minutes to scream, I decided to try talk to my kidnapper.

I wasn't having much progress, because of course I was wearing a gag, most of my attempts sounded like: "Mmmmm mah mm MMM!!!", when I was trying to say; "Please let me GO!"

I was wet, tired, frustrated, and of course still bobbing along on the shoulder of my kidnapper/saviour.


We wove through alley ways and back streets for an hour, finally coming to a stop at a run-down hotel.

I concentrated all my energy on trying to speak through the gag."Mow mat more awwa ho you can yet we GO!"

The Black Shadow chuckled and ripped off my gag. "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that?"

I tried to be furious rather than paying close attention to the fact that he had set me down and was staring at me with those annoying...Awesome... green eyes.

I mentally shook myself and repeated: "Now that you've arrived home, you can let me GO!" I snarled.

The Black Shadow chuckled again. "Feisty." He muttered before saying louder:

"I'm afraid I can't let you go, Cassie."

"WHY Nathan?" I spat.

He shrugged. "I have my motives."




I actually started cracking up laughing. I wiped a fake tear from my eye. "Ooh that's a good one."

The Black Shadow frowned. "What?"

I smiled up at him. "Usually evil psychopaths are supposed to threaten the person they've captured, or like, tell them their whole plan, when the person asks them WHY the heck they're doing whatever they're doing, rather than just shrugging and saying: "I have my motives" or whatever. I mean, you just did exactly what the classic villain doesn't do. You just did the opposite-"

"You're babbling." The Black Shadow said, clamping a hand over my mouth.

"Think about it carefully then shorten that whole babble to something only 10 seconds long." He said firmly, acting like a teacher.

He walked through a broken-down door, and started to stroll down a long corridor, pulling me along as he did so.

I huffed. "Fine." I muttered.

"I'm timing you!" The Black Shadow said in an annoying sing-song voice.

"W-what I'm t-trying to s-s-say is you''re...."

"5 seconds!" Nate sang.

"Being childish and stupid, I hate-you-why-won't-you-let-me-go-I'm-so-annoyed!" I spluttered out quickly.

"8 seconds!"

"ARGH! Just LEAVE me ALONE!" I screamed at him. I was so upset I didn't even notice that we were now in a small, weird smelling hotel room.

I stormed over to a grimy window and stared furiously out of it, blinking away tears.

Everything was going right in my life, and then this .....POO.....Has to come along and murder people I'm relatively close to. I thought furiously.

I turned, fuming, to Nate, who was standing deadly still by the door.

"Why can't I just go home?"

He glanced up at me. I was expecting the whole cliché answer, but instead I got;

A shrug and a mutter.




Hope you enjoy it so far......

But wait there's more! (I'm forcing myself to make my chapters longer)




I woke with a groan on the 2nd day of my capture. I stretched out on my makeshift bed; a recipe for a sore body & a horrible nights sleep. The main ingredients were:

*The fact I had to use my own soaking jacket for a pillow

*The only blankets available were torn and had huge holes in them.

*The couch was very old so it sagged in the middle.

I didn't want to move to the bed in the next room, because Nate was sleeping in it. Boy germs, DUH....

Nate didn't actually sleep in the bed all the time, but he seemed to have dumped all his stuff everywhere through the room, which made it impossible to get to the bed, plus boy/murderer germs were a major factor.

When Nate wasn't sleeping in the single bed, he was watching my every move by sitting on a chair, crossing his arms intimidatingly , situated next to the door. Which was locked.

And I'm guessing the key is probably shoved down his own throat. So no, I couldn't really see myself escaping at the present point in time.


Later that day...

I glanced over at the young man slumped in his chair by my exit. He was snoring softly, his brown hair flopped over his face.

Keys dangled in his loose fingers.

Keys to my freedom.

As I crept towards the Black Shadow, I felt a twinge of guilt.

Why did I feel guilt?! When all he has done to me is kidnap me and hurt my friends and family. I've never done anything wrong to him...right?




IMPORTANT STUFF: ---down further---








Wooo! Happy New Years readers!

Hope you enjoyed this long(er than usual) chapter, the next chapters will be IN THE SECOND BOOK!!!!! WOOOOOOOO!

😁😁😁*excited* 😁😁😁 The next book will be called Kidnapped by The Black Shadow, i will try to publish the first chapter as soon as I can!!!!

I hope you enjoyed my first ever Wattpad story, please oh PLEASE comment!!!! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU THOUGHT ABT IT!!

Thanks guys so much for the Votes,


P.s The first chapter of Book 2 will include a bit in NATE'S POV!!!

Pp.s Thanks again everyone, now I shall leave you in suspense for a bit!!!!!!!!!

-from MeepGirl84 (obviously) :p :) ;) :D

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