Chapter 15: Throwing the wolf off scent

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Hey Everyone, before i start this chapter I'd just like to point out that the Auckland in this book is,yes, based on Auckland City in NZ, but I don't live in Auckland and I very rarely go there, so my version and its layout is probably not very accurate at all.

I'm not going to try to make this Auckland extremely accurate, I just want to create the picture in your mind of a big(ish) City, and I couldn't use New York because I have never been there! So please do not complain and say (not that anyone has yet) that:

"Auckland isn't surrounded by suburbs!!" Because honestly, I don't know what Auckland really looks like from a birds point of view, so sorry. It's not going to be completely accurate!!

Thanks for listening to my rant(or if u just skipped past it I dont really mind) , Enjoy the chapter!


When I finally came to a conclusion, it wasn't good news.

The Black Shadow murdered all those people, and he's following me.


After running madly, dodging taxi's, cars and buses, I decided to find somewhere to stay for the night rather than running around like a headless chook.

There was only one problem; I was out of money. All I found in my coat pockets was a little bit of string, my pocket knife, a hair tie and a paper clip. Which didn't exactly mean I had loads of money on me.

I imagined a light bulb lighting up above my head.

The little voice inside my head squeaked: "Hey Cassie, annoying little voice here, why don't you use your credit card??"

"Thanks obnoxiously high-pitched little voice in my head, for once you're actually being helpful!" I thought.

I dug around in my coat pockets. I checked my jean pockets. I even looked in my shoe.

No credit card to be found.

I pursed my lips. "Well that idea failed. Thanks a lot stupid voice in my head."

"Dammit." The voice replied.

"Now what am I going to do???" I asked, looking up at the dark sky.

"I think we can help."

I whirled around at the sudden voice, only to be faced by three grubby men. A blond one smirked. "Hello there."

I backed away slowly from the greasy thugs.

I laughed nervously. "You know what, Uncle Dave will be expecting me....I better get home!"

The main thug laughed. "We know your not from around here.....Cassie."

He held up a phone, showing the picture of me from the police Facebook page. "We're gonna squeeze some cash out of your mum."

He turned to his fellow thugs. "How much ransom money do you think we will get?" He asked casually.

A thug with greasy black hair studied me, then shrugged. "It's worth a shot."

That's when I screamed at the top of my lungs and pulled out my pocket knife.

The dark-haired thug sneered. "What'cha gonna do? Kill all three of us with a screwdriver?"

I threw the open pocket knife at his face and ran.

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