Hello! I know it's been awhile. I'm sorry I've been so bad at updating this story. Here's a quick chapter for you lovelies and I promise another one by tomorrow!! =)
Sean O'Pry as Christian Zain. (I think he's hot! Sorry for those who disagrees lol just imagine him as whoever you want)
*Christian POV*
Hey what are you doing?
I called you...
I'm at the park by your house, if you want to stop by.
Call me back when you get the chance.
It was nearly 10pm as I stare at my phone waiting, wanting, no... needing her reply, any reply. My patience was quickly fading and it took every ounce of me not to go over her house and pound on her damn door. Damn what the hell is happening to me?
Ever since that kiss, I can't get her out of my head. Hell, who am I kidding, she was in there before that kiss. Just now, the reasons were for two whole different things. This feeling that I'm experiencing is so alien to me, something that my brains seems to not understand or refuse to even though my heart beats a rhythm of need.
I don't know what it is about Amelia, something about her just gets to me. Her looks, never have I've been attracted to someone of her build although she looks admittedly great for her size. Her ivory skin that she hides under her long sleeves are super soft and smooth having seen it when I saw her bruises. And her red long hair stands out beautifully against her pale face. Her lips were soft as... God Christian! Stop!
Never had any girl affected me this much. So what the hell makes her so special? Especially when...
I'm on my way...
My train of thoughts trail off as I read the txt message she just sent me. My heart quickens in excitement knowing that I will be facing her soon.
"She's actually coming..." I said to the quiet darkness surrounding me, a half smile finding its way to my face.
*Amelia POV*
Pain. That was all I felt when I woke up. My hand clasp to my chest and I struggle for much needed breaths of air while sprawl on the cold floor in the dark of my room. Tears escape my eyes as I remember what happened. When will it ever end mom?...
I tried inhaling deeply to calm my senses but it seems the more I try, the harder it got to breath. This is it for me I thought letting more tears fall down my face. Then I saw the light. No not those lights taking me to the afterlife but the light on my phone letting me know I have unread texts.
On and off it flashes from my bed. For some reason it calmed me, knowing that there is someone there. That I'm not alone in this world and whoever that was that contacted me, know of my existence. Slowly I get myself off the ground and stroll over to my bed picking on my phone.
My eyes widen first from the time, I've only been out for an hour, then seeing the person who just very well may have saved me. Christian...
I read each of his texts carefully, with new tears stinging my eyes. I was happy. Of course I wanted to see him but like this?
After debating with myself for who knows how long, my brain lost to my heart's desire. I can't let him hanging again after what happened last time. Although this wasn't plan, I feel like I owe it to him.

My Cinderella Story (Be Mine Again)
RomanceLove. To some it's a new beginning, a fairy tale in its making, something that brings two people together. To others, it's a pain, emotions that one day will end, a threat to one's sanity. A once confident, joyous overweight teenage girl, Amelia Ca...