When we finally arrived back home, the sun had already settled behind the horizon leaving streaks of pink and orange in the sky.
"Millie!" Sarah ran up to her as soon as we exited the car and gave her a hug. "Were you hurt anywhere?" Amelia told her no, but Sarah surveyed her closely regardless.
After Sarah took Amelia away to clean up and rest, the guys and I enter into the den. Pouring us each a much needed drink, I let the gold liquid slide down my throat before speaking.
"We need to find him and fast."
"I don't know how he's doing it," said Avery, "dodging us at every turn. Even with all our men combine. We can't seem to catch up to him."
"I think, there's someone on the inside helping him," Tom said moving to take a seat by the bar.
"I was thinking the same too," I comment. But who? Who can be helping him? None of my staff have ever display any act of unloyalty. It just doesn't make sense.
"Nor has any of ours," said Avery, "maybe prison just taught him a hell of a lot more than we thought."
"Fuck..." I breathe out. "I need to get her somewhere safe while we catch this son of a bitch."
"How does Hawaii sound?" Avery interjected. "That's where I'm sending Jenny tomorrow. To my family resort there. We can send all the girls there while we figured this shit out. It's thousands of miles away and my whole staff at the resort will look after them."
"Where is Jenny now?" I asked. I thought he already have her locked up somewhere safe.
"I'm assuming upstairs with the other two girls," Avery replied. I gave him a scowl. "What? That's her best friend. She was not having it. Just like I won't let you go through this alone. So, she promised to go tomorrow if I take her here tonight. And I figure the safest place is where we are all together."
I guess what Avery said makes sense. Jackson wouldn't dare come here with us all here and with security guards at every corner. We can secretly have the girls leave as soon as dawn breaks tomorrow.
"We can trap him," I said to both Tom and Avery. "Spread word that we are taking the girls back to Ravenswood, but make it sound discreet. If there is a mole, we'll catch him and that bastard too."
"Jenny, I'm sorry you're in this shitty situation because of me," I stated as she comes through my hair fresh from a shower and blow dry. I stared at her through the vanity mirror and then the beautiful baby bump already starting to show below her chest. "You too Sarah." I said looking over to her on the bed. She was lying on her stomach playing on her phone when she looked up at me at the mention of her name. Sighing she gets up the bed and walks over to us.
"Millie. I'm only going to say this once. Stop apologizing for something that isn't your fault. We are your best friends and will do anything and everything for you. Just as you will us." She gently squeezes my shoulder and Jenny nods in agreement.
"Thank you." I smiled at both of them.
"Now just wait till I catch that bastard. I'm going to cut off this...."
A knock from the door cuts Sarah off and in walks in Christian.
"Ladies," he nods at Sarah and Jenny.
"I guess that's our cue to leave," Sarah said jokingly. Jenny puts the brush down whispers me a goodnight.
"That's not necessary ladies. I just wanted to check up on you all," Christian said but his eyes were glued to me. "Just give us ten minutes and you girls are welcome back in here."

My Cinderella Story (Be Mine Again)
RomanceLove. To some it's a new beginning, a fairy tale in its making, something that brings two people together. To others, it's a pain, emotions that one day will end, a threat to one's sanity. A once confident, joyous overweight teenage girl, Amelia Ca...