A thick layer of fog covers the already darken night as I pulled up to Avery's apartment fuming with anger. How dare the asshole open his dirty mouth? Stepping out of the car, he came down to greet me looking jolly as ever.
"Hey buddy what's....ooof" his last words choke in his throat when my fist connected with his face.
Not giving him time to recover, I land another blow before grabbing him by the collar and bringing his face towards mine.
"What the fuck where you thinking?" I growled at him. "You think this is a fucken game?"
"Isn't it? It's been from the start." Blood seep through his lips as he speaks.
"Why the fuck did you do it?"
"Look Christian, you know as much as I do that this isn't a game anymore. I see the way you look at her now. I guess as your best friend I just wanted to set things straight alright. I wanted to know how she would feel if someone had wrong her, would she be able to forgive them. Forgive us."
The unfamiliar feeling of guilt stabbed at my heart hearing his words. I must really be going crazy hearing this and feeling this way. Shaking my head and clearing my mind and I once again engrave my initial goal into my head.
A chuckle escapes my lips, one that sound even evil to me. "You're wrong Avery. This is a game. MY game. And it isn't over until I say so."
No...He said no, they aren't hiding anything from me.
Why can't I shake the feeling of uncertainty away then? Christian, I want to believe him. I mean so far, he's given me no reason to doubt him. He said that Avery was just fooling around and tend to do that whenever they bring a new friend into the group.
I sigh heavily staring at the blank ceiling above me. "It's nothing," I whisper to myself.
My phone beeps with a text message bringing me out of my thoughts. Grabbing my phone, I was greeted with the darn cutest sexiest picture ever. My cheeks instantly red and heart did a backflip. It was Christian with his brown hair a mess, eyes closed, and lips pouted in a "kiss me" kind of way. And under it, he wrote:
Hey beautiful. Just wanna wish you good night and sweet dreams.
In my mind I was running around screaming and shrieking and fist pumping like a crazy girl who just won the Olympics or something. Damn he's so sexy I thought staring at his picture again a smile spread across my face.
I clutch my phone closer to me, right at my heart.
"Yeah it was nothing," I whispered before shutting my eyes.
Two days past since the awkward incident and no one has brought it up except for Avery apologizing to me the next day. Today I didn't have mythology so I didn't get to see Christian yet but it was fine. We planned to meet at the library while I'm working. I still can't believe how much of a sucker he is for romance, even more than me.
As always, here I am outside the coffee shop getting my daily dose of caffeine before work when I heard shouting coming from the ally again. Oh my gosh, Mellie don't! Yeah sorry conscience but you lose, like always.
I turn the corner and walk right into an all too familiar scene. Geez everything goes on behind here! Okay not the time!
Sarah's "boyfriend" was shoving her. One last hard shove and she was on the ground. My heart race a thousand beats a minute at what I am about to do.

My Cinderella Story (Be Mine Again)
RomanceLove. To some it's a new beginning, a fairy tale in its making, something that brings two people together. To others, it's a pain, emotions that one day will end, a threat to one's sanity. A once confident, joyous overweight teenage girl, Amelia Ca...