The next day past by in a blur. Aside from law enforcement stopping by to take my statement, Christian forbid me from going into work for the next few days and almost succeeded in gluing me to the bed. Although I didn't mind staying away from work for a couple days, I had to remind him over and over again that I wasn't sick, just bruised and sore and he finally relented and allowed me to wander the premises of his estate with no less than four bodyguards at all time, of course.
As it turns out, Christian too refrained from going into work, but I still didn't see him much. After his priceless declaration of his love and promise to protect me yesterday, he hasn't as much as stare my way for more than a minute. He promptly left me afterwards leaving me with his guards. His mind and time was currently preoccupied with catching my brother. I didn't see him until breakfast this morning and even that was brief. Only a few casualty words were exchanged and after a quick kiss to my forehead, he was gone. I have yet to receive any kind of update, but, at the moment I can careless about my brother. Just the thought of him makes my skin crawl. Every touch and sickening breath still lingers on my skin like new. Last night, I scrubbed my skin raw ignoring the painful bruises. I just wanted to get the damn feeling out of my head, off my skin but it wouldn't go away. A shiver ran through me as I tried to rid the thought.
I enter the veranda on the second level facing the front of the estate with my guards stopping at the entrance giving me some sort of privacy. Going over to the edge, I rest my arms across the railing and gaze upon the picturesque estate before me gleaming under the setting sky. My gaze settle on the huge marble fountain for a bit before my attention lingers to the huge golden metal gates. My only thought was if Christian was coming home any time soon. It's only been a day and already I missed him tremendously. Even with his place heavily guarded, he is the only one that can set my mind at ease. I debated whether to call him many times, but I didn't want to be any more of a bother. Plus, I'd imagined he would have contacted me after all that he said.
Sighing I turn to the guards behind me, "Did any one received any news about when Christian is returning?"
"Sorry Ma'am. We haven't heard anything. Our only orders are to protect you." One of the guards replied dryly. I slightly nodded and was going to ask another question when we were interrupted by a maid announcing that dinner was ready.
That night I ate dinner alone once again. After dinner I returned to the room that was provided to me located right next to Christian's room. Picking up my phone, I gathered my courage and decided to call him. Nervously I waited while the line started ringing. What would I say to him. A blush warmed my cheeks and my stomach swarm with butterflies as I thought back to his endearing words. But as the ringing stop and skip over to his voicemail, my stomach no longer swarm with butterfly but my heart drop deep into its pit.
Once again, I scrubbed my skin until it was red and sensitive to the touch of even the water. Tears streak down my face as I stare at my reflection through the glass shower walls and the ugly bruise on my cheek trying to grasp my situation. I was over thinking things. Christian didn't lie to me. I know he loves me. I'm just currently overly sensitive. He's out there looking for my brother I reminded myself.
Shutting off the water, I wipe my tears dry and step out of the shower. I wrapped my wet hair in a towel and after drying off my body, I wrapped a robe around myself. Right when I stepped out of the bathroom, I knew I wasn't alone anymore. My body instantly warm and my naked flesh suddenly becomes sensitive under the robe. I instantly forgot why I was crying a few moments ago as my gaze search for Christian. A part of me was increasingly shy letting him see me like this, but another part of me wanted to see him so badly that I can careless about what I am and am not wearing.
The light to the huge walk in closet was turned on attracting my attention. "Christian?" I called out walking over to the closet. When I entered there was no one there just his things and the few belongings that I own. Suddenly two large arms wrapped around my waist from behind me pulling me into hard muscles and a warm embrace. A surprise shriek escapes my lips but I quickly succumb to the warm embrace and lean my head back.

My Cinderella Story (Be Mine Again)
RomanceLove. To some it's a new beginning, a fairy tale in its making, something that brings two people together. To others, it's a pain, emotions that one day will end, a threat to one's sanity. A once confident, joyous overweight teenage girl, Amelia Ca...