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"One...Two...Three PUSH!!" the nurse said loudly, "that's it, that's it!"

No more than a minute later, the sound of a baby can be heard crying.

"Congratulations dear, you're blessed with a healthy baby boy." The nurse said.

Jenny's head fell back on the pillow with tears of joy rolling down her face. She only allow herself a few seconds to catch her breath before lifting her head again in search of the crying sound. Avery carried the bundle of joy over and carefully lay the baby into her arms. Both parents cry with happiness as they stare at their little newborn.

I smile and gave the new parents and their baby one last look before exiting the room. My hand automatically moves to rub my own swelling belly as I enter the hall.

"Amelia." Christian said coming up to me and readily puts an arm around me and one on my stomach. "How was it? Is she okay?"

"They got a healthy little boy." I said excitedly to him as tears warm my eyes. "It was so beautiful."

"You're beautiful, my angel." Christian says planting a kiss on my forehead.

I had insisted on being in the hospital room with Jenny during her labor and she didn't hesitate to agree. I thought the process was going to scare me, but at the sound of the first cry, I knew I never witness anything so pure and beautiful.

"In a couple of months' time, it will be you and me in that room." He ushers me to sit in a chair close by. "Are you sure, you don't want to know the gender?"

"I'm sure." I whispered smiling at him. "I quite like surprises when it comes to you."

"And I like everything you like. Except for that weird pickles and ice cream craving you're having. I laughed at him and he joined in.

Life was perfect. My story. Our story.

The End.

Hi Readers!

Well this is the end of another journey. Thank you all for your support throughout this whole story. There were some bumpy times over the course of writing this story but you all stuck through it with me and for that I give you my upmost appreciation. I honestly can say that I really did enjoy writing this story and its plot. I hope you had enjoyed it as much as I did. My future plans are to finish Nathaniel and the maybe write a short story on another character in that series. I do have an idea on a new story but don't know when I will be sharing it with you all. Again thank you Readers and I'll see you at my next story!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2020 ⏰

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