Chapter 21 | Go to The...

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Third Person POV

Its been a couple day since the accident with [Y/N], Chat Noir has been visiting her quite a lot so he knows that she was out of harms way. Other then that, at school, [Y/N] has been very gloomy. People try to cheer her up but it never works, they try to make her laugh but she looks away, she does the same thing when their talking to her

Chloe tries to tease her but [Y/N] always walks in the opposite direction, Vicki is actually getting worried about [Y/N], who would of thought. When she goes to apologize, she would glare at her & walk away, muttering some inappropriate words under her breath. The ones who have been worried the most were her best friends

"Hey [Y/N]." the four saw Nathanael walk up to her, she was resting her head in her arms as she only looked up at him with her eyes "Um, I think this is yours." her eyes widened at what she was looking at, she sat up & saw that it was her precious photo

"How did you...?" she asked as she slowly took it out of his hands

"Well, someone asked me to fix it for you so, there you go. She gave me the original one so I tried to make it exactly like it." tears appeared at the corner of her eyes,she wiped them away & hugged Nathaneal

"Thank you... thank you so much." he started to blush but he hugged her back

"N-No problem...!" she pulled away from the hugged with a hug smile "I missed that smile of yours, it always brightens up our day..." that made [Y/N] blush

"Thanks." what she didn't notice was that Vicki was smiling with her chin resting in the palm of her hand, she looks away & her smile grows

"I'm glad your happy, but I'm sorry I hurt you." as the day went on, everyone saw how happy [Y/N] was again, which made them happy. [Y/N] was hanging out with the four again & it was quite nice, she was happy that she was hanging out with her friends & that her photo was fixed

"So who do you think told Nathanael to fix it?" she shrugs her shoulders

"Whoever it was, I wanna thank them." they all laugh when they see her press her face against it, suddenly Alya lights up

"Do you guys remember what day it is tomorrow?!"

"Friday?" she face palms

"No you dummy, well yes but, tomorrow its the Grand Ball of CFG!" Marinette squeals with Alya while [Y/N] had a unamused face while staring at them


"Its the biggest thing that the school holds once a year!"

"So?" Alya's eye twitched, along with Marinette's "Its just a dance, its not like its the end of the world if no one asks you out."

"But that's the best part! When the love of your life takes your hand & the two of you dance across the dance floor is the best thing for a girl!" 

"So?" that was the last straw, Alya had harshly (in annoyance) grabbed [Y/N]'s hand & started to drag out of school, since it was the end of the day, with Marinette trailing behind "Where are we going?!"

"We're going shopping cause if you don't get a date, your coming with us!"



"Come on Alya~!" the two started to argue while Marinette was laughing behind the two of them, when they finally got to the mall (can't believe I said that) [Y/N] tried to run away but Alya grabbed the collar of her shirt & started to drag her in. She had agreed to find a dress of her choice if the other two did as well, they agreed & went off to find a dress

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