We die together!

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until I got up, Fahd was long gone and the call which I received was of Ayra. I just can't understand what's going on in my life. First Fahd cheats on Ayra and now she cheats on me. I loved her I know she can't cheat on me, she can't cheat on anyone, she was so nice I mean she is, maybe she is in a big problem, maybe Fahd kidnapped her and kept her hostage that freak can do anything. I have to find out about Fahd and then I will be able to find my all answers.
But where could they be? Hmm...
(One of Fahd's hideouts)
Fahd: Boss what should I do next?
Ayra: Leak our location to Rahil?
Fahd: Boss we can't do that, he will kill us.
Ayra: He will for sure unless you tie me up.
Fahd: Hmm Ok boss, you sure this will work.
Ayra: It has to and I will make it work.
Fahd: It's too risky he is not a fool, you know, boss.
Ayra: Otherwise I won't be able to show my face to him.
Fahd: Who? Your boss.
Ayra: You needn't know you just do your work
Fahd: Yes, Boss I'm on it.
Ayra: But be cautious, he shouldn't come to know that we leaked our own hideout
Fahd: You don't worry, I'll take care of it.
We made him fool once.
Ayra: Make him fool twice.
Fahd: Ok boss, I'll be leaving then.
Ayra: Yeah you go, let me spend some lone time.
(Ayra relaxing and recollecting things about her past)
    After some time
Rahil: Ayra!Ayra! Wake up, wake up...
Ayra: Huh, what?
Rahil: I came here to save you.
I understood your code "get the job done"
Ayra: You did, Oh gosh
Rahil: Hurry come on, let's go.
Fahd: Where do you think you are going, officer?
Rahil: Ayra stand back,
Fahd: You aren't going anywhere this time officer.
Ayra: You said that right. Fahd let's take him to Rohit.
Rahil: What?
Ayra: Yeah that's right, I fooled you again, you know what your problem is, is that you're so sweet, you easily believe other people.
Fahd: Yes, Both of you, have the same problem you both get fooled easily but it's the first time for you Ayra, Don't get surprised?
Rahil: You both fooled me and you Ayra what did I do to you I always loved you and still you
Ayra: I had my own reasons.
Fahd: Relax lovebirds. You won't get separated this time, I promise, I will kill you both and win Rohit's loyalty.
Rahil: Who is Rohit?
Fahd: You needn't need to know.
(Fahd shoots Rahil in the head)
Ayra: What the fuck are you doing? We were supposed to catch him alive.
Fahd: There is some change of plans, Rahil figured out who we were, So he shot you and in self-defense, I shot him, How's that sound?
Ayra: This isn't right, I am your boss.
Fahd: Boss, Yes boss, I hated you for making me do all the work and you taking all the credit.
Ayra: I always told Rohit, we worked as a team.
Fahd: Bullshit!
Ayra: Listen to me once.
Fahd: Rott in hell bitch. (Fahd shoots Ayra in the chest)
Ayra: You won't get away from this.
Fahd: And who will stop me, you!
Ayra: Not me but.
(Fahd shoots Ayra again)
(Ayra talking to her conscience)
I never wanted to do this to you Rahil, That's what big brother told me to do and I can't make my brother unhappy by leaving the job unfinished. Even if I fall for you Rahil, I will do whatever my brother says.
But this time I failed him, my brother.
I think I deserve to die.
Fahd: Sweet dreams.
Ayra: So this is my end then.
(Fahd finishes his round of bullets shooting Ayra)

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