Is this the end?

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Rohit:You dont fight like a officer.
Rahil:Thanks to your sedative.
Rohit:Its poison.
Rahil:There is still time to change.
Rohit:You have just 15 minutes after that it will all be over.
Rahil:Why are you doing this?Why attack us?We will help you with anything just ask us.
Rohit:If i needed you or your so called scavengers help i would have asked but i dont require any and moreover its because of your negligence that lead to these consequences or rather i should say measures no!!sorry these drastic measures which i had to take.
Rahil:What do you mean by that?
Rohit:You have with you a lot of time understanding this but before that let me kill you first!
Rahil:I wont let you kill me and neither will i kill you.
Rohit:I am sorry Rahil but you will have to break that promise because that aint happening.
(Rohit and Rahil keep on fighting Rahil is the one who is taking a lot of blows and is defending instead of attacking)
Rohit:How long are you going to defend yourself.You have to attack eventually at some point.You cant rely always on your defense.
If your going to do this always then let me remind you,you are going to die anyhow in the next ten minutes so its better you attack,fight for your life instead of dying without even trying.I know that I am strong but that doesnt mean you wont attack.I dont know what did she see in you that she fell for you.Is this what she saw in you?So sad!
Rahil:You speak too much.I know you loved Ayra.She is your sister,you even love her now.Just for her sake,stop doing this.
Rohit:Now you are making me angry,very very angry and your friend Madhav knows very well what i do and what i can do when I'm in bad mood.
(An unknown voice from afar)
That's why i brought a present for the kindness and gratitude you showed me when we met!
Rohit:What?What's going on?
(Rahil and Rohit are surrounded by police,there are several cop cars and bikes and also two helicopters flashing lights at Rohit,Probably the work of Madhav to capture Rohit.
Rohit looks at the helicopters and the police analyzes his position)
Rohit:Is this the end?
Rahil:Yes end for both of us.But i didnt expect it to be this exciting.It's almost the end which i saw in most movies.
Rohit:It was your doing wasnt it?You brat!
Rahil:No it wasnt me.....
(Rohit takes out an injection from his bag and injects it to Rahil.As soon as he does he is shot on the leg because of his movement)
Rahil:What did you do to me?
Rohit:I'm fulfilling our wishes.
Rohit:Instant death.
Rahil:What will you do now?You are surrounded.Just surrender its over.
(Saying this Rahil falls on the ground)
Rohit:No it cant be over for me and sorry!
Rahil:Sorry for what?
Rohit:You wont be keeping your promise you made with Ayra.
Rahil:No please!Nooooo! Dont do anything stuu....
(Rahil becomes unconscious)
Rohit runs and runs
Bullets are fired from all the directions.Tears flood from his eyes.Not because he got caught instead he failed in doing what he had to do.
Rohit falls on the ground and starts speaking to his conscious.
I will be dying today.I failed in doing but i am hoping you will take the revenge Ayra.I am hoping you will take Ayra.Please dont break your promise.Please dont decieve on me.
And I was never angry on you Ayra and nor on your love Rahil.Because i took your life away from you.You didnt enjoy your life the way other girls your age did.Finally happiness returned in your life and i wont steal it away from you this time.I gave Rahil antidote in time,he survived and i died.I'm sorry Rahil this was the only clue i could give you.But i know you will solve this case.........
(Saying these words Rohit dies)
One last time he wishes to see Ayra and he sees her but it was just his imagination.
Eventually he dies but there was a smile on his face and eyes open.
(But will his dream be fullfilled?Will Ayra realise his dream with his death or he will reap what he sowed?Will he get decieved once again by Ayra or will he not?)

Keep reading to find out what happens next.

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