Life and Death Part 2:Ayra vs Fahd

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Fahd:Come out Ayra,show yourself,fight like a man.
Ayra(from unidentified location):I'm not a man i am a woman you jerk!!
Fahd:Ayra you cheated on your big bro.If you have any shame come out and show yourself.
You betrayed Rohit for that corrupt official.
Ayra:He is not a corrupt official.
Fahd:So you finally showed yourself.
Ayra:Not that i want to but i need to do it.
Fahd:And why is that?
Ayra:To show you that what your ex boss can do.
I'm going to give you a chance,i will throw this gun away and i'm going to fight you.
Fahd:You will lose for sure and after that i will kill you.
Ayra:We will see about that.
Ayra and Fahd charge towards each other.Fahd cheats on Ayra and takes out his knife and stabs her.Ayra lies on the ground.Fahd picks up Ayra's gun.Fahd loads it with bullets.Ayra gets up and stabs fahd from behind and runs away.Fahd shoots the bullets randomly.Ayra hides behind the crates.Fahd is looking for her.He still has 2 bullets loaded in his gun.Ayra lures him through her phone and jumps on Fahd.Both struggle in taking the gun.Bullet is fired.This time it has hit Ayra.Fahd stands up takes Ayra out of the corner and points the gun at her forehead but hesitates to shoot her.Ayra taking advantage of the situation hits him with a rod.She plans to hit him just to escape from there but unfortunately hits him on his head.While Ayra runs away.Fahd falls on the ground says Ayra I l..... (without completing the sentence he dies).Ayra turns around as she overheard something but thinks it was her imagination and runs away.She is looking for something to stop her bleeding.She finds a cloth closes the shot wound with it and escapes to her secret hideout to remove the bullet.
To know what happens next do read the next part!!!
To Be Continued.

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