Lying is the most fun a girl can have, without drinking and sex

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~~~~Kenzie's POV~~~~

Me and Stiles had been hanging out more. It was Thursday and I was hanging out in his room. Looking at his "Murder board".

"So red string; unsolved. Yellow;almost solved. Blue; because it's pretty. And green; is solved." I said figuring out Stiles "Murder Board".

"Nice! First try." Stiles said taking the pictures down, apparently something really really bad happened a few months ago, before I came into town. Some people close to him and his friends By some crazy people.

"So...umm...I need Pizza." I said as I rolled off the bed, falling off and smacking my head on the ground, making me groan. Stiles laughed, jerk...

"Not funny..." I mumbled as I got up and ran down stairs.

"You want anything?" I yelled. It took him a few seconds to reply.

"No, I'm good!" I yelled back shakily... Who cares more for me!

~~~~Stiles POV~~~~
As soon as Kenzie went down stairs I turn around to see Derek! WTF????

I almost scream but Derek covered my mouth. I smacked him off earning a growl.

"You want anything?" Kenzie asked from downstairs. Oh god! This is the worst time ever!

"No, I'm good!" I yelled back.

"What the hell man? What are you doing?" I whispered scream. Derek just rolled his eyes. Typical Derek.

"You've been missing the meetings, not like I care, but Scott has gotten worried." Derek said all sourwolfy.

"Well I would love to go, but you know, I would also like to help. But noooo!" I said as I kept taking down pictures of unsolved crimes.

"You're human Stiles. You can't..."

"Can't what? Grow claws are sharp teeth? Or be able to scream a supersonic scream to find dead people? No I'm just some crazy hyperactive human who has been possessed." I hissed. Soon memories of the Nogitsune flashed through my mind.

"Stiles.... This is really not the time to get..."

"No Derek, just get out before my only human friend sees you." With that I sat down not bothering to look while Derek jumped out the window.

"Dude." I turn to see Kenzie with a mouthful of pizza. Her eyes widened. Crap.

"You have a secret boyfriend?" She said while chewing.

"Wait, what? No!" I I stuttered. Oh god! I'm not gay!

"Than who was mister. Hotter and Mysterious that just jumped out your window?" She still chewing pizza. I was freaking out. Okay I needed a lie! I needed a lie!

"Okay! I'm Bi!" Shit... That was the worst lie ever...

" you two together or...?" She sat down looking at me very confusingly.

"That was my first and last boyfriend!" I said as I sat down next to her.

"You know, you don't have to lie to me." She said looking straight into my soul.

"I'm not lying." I lied. Need to work on that, like a lot.

"You are maybe Bi. But not with him. Ive seen him around. With Scott. So please, tell me the truth."

I felt guilt wash over me. I felt so bad, but I had to keep her safe.

"He's just a friend... And him and Scott are like brothers." Okay not lying, I was stretching the truth...

"Okay, well I gotta go home Bi boy." Kenzie said with a sly smile because of her pun. It was a bad one too. I shot her a look. Before she walked out of the room, I had to ask her something.

"Kenzie! Wait." She walked backwards almost tripping over her own foot.

"How did you know I was lying?" I really had to know, just in case.

"Sweetie, please." She said

"Lying is the most fun a girl can have, without drinking or having sex." And she walked out. After a minute or two. I flipped on my bed. 

"Mckenzie Willams. You are the worst but amazing girl ever. Worst than Lydia...sometimes."

Okay short chapter. Sorry! I've been busy with school! But good news, it's the weekend!!!! So more updates will come! Please leave ideas and comments! Thanks Angels!


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